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Pear chocolate tart: beautiful to see and very delicious to eat

The chocolate taste mixing with pear: try this dessert!

By Cookist

Try these mini pear tarts with a very special filling.

Ingredients: pears, chocolate bars, brisèe pastry, 60 gr flour, 5 eggs, 100 gr sugar, 100 gr butter, melted chocolate.



1) Peel the pears and empty them in the middle;

2) Fill with chocolate bars and close on top;

3) Spread the brisèe pastry in little molds;

4) In a large bowl mix flour, eggs, sugar, buttes and melted chocolate;

5) Pour the batter on the brisèe and put the pear;

6) Bake at 3560°F (180°) for 8 minutes;

7) Cover with milk chocolate and sprinkle almonds.

Using pears we suggest you another recipe: Pear cake: the perfect, soft, and tasty autumn dessert!

Ingredients: flour; pear; cake batter: 3 eggs; 200g flour; 150g sugar;1 packet of baking powder; 100ml oil; 100g yogurt.



1) Cover the pears in flour and place them in a bread pan. You can also peel them first if you like.

2) Pour the cake batter directly over the pears.

3) Sprinkle chopped almonds over the top.

4) Bake at 190°C for 30 minutes.

5) Let it cool and dust with powdered sugar before serving.

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