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Potato pie: a side dish that everyone will love

A delicious recipe to prepare a good potato pie.

By Cookist

You’ve never tasted such a tasty potato dish. This is a great side dish that is both easy to make and looks great too!

Ingredients: 300g potatoes, olive oil, as needed, pancetta, rosemary, salt, black pepper.



1) Cut the potatoes into very thin slices and season them with oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary.

2) Place them vertically in a 24cm pie dish.

3) Fry the pancetta in a pan for a couple of minutes and then put the pancetta over the potatoes.

4) Season with more olive oil and the rosemary and bake at 356°F (180°C)  for 40 minutes.

5) This easy and delicious side dish is ready to be served!

Try also this version: Potato and bacon pie: a perfect tasty dinner idea!

Ingredients: 6 potatoes, 400g mushrooms, cheese, 250g bacon.


1) Microwave the potatoes for 7 minutes, then slice them.

2) Place the sliced potatoes in a cake pan and cover them with a layer of mushrooms and cheese and continue alternating the different ingredients. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.

3) Weave the bacon together. Cut it out into size and shape of the cake pan.

4) Place the bacon on top of the pie and bake at 180°C for 15 more minutes.

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