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Puff pastry and creamy star: a very delicious idea to make your appetizer

The easy recipe to prepare a cheesy savory star.

By Cookist

If you want to prepare a tasty and fast appetizer, try this recipe. The cheese and ham flavor in one meal.

Ingredients: 1 roll puff pastry; potatoes; onion; ham; parsley; 4 eggs; 20 ml cream; salt; black pepper; Reblochon.



1) Cut the Reblochon and make some triangles;

2) Spread the puff pastry into a baking tray;

3) Place the cheese on the puff pastry;

4) Cut into cubes the potato and cook with onion; put on the puff pastry;

5) Cut the ham and place between the cheese;

6) Add the chopped parsley too;

7) In a large bowl mix the eggs, cream, salt and black pepper;

8) Pour on the cheese star and bake at 340°F (170°) for 30 minutes.

Serve to your guests with a good and cook drink.

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