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Reasons Why Ice Cream Is Actually Healthy For You

Who doesn't love ice cream? This sweet treat is popular all over the world, especially when the weather is hot. Like other sweets, ice cream is much maligned for being unhealthy. But is ice cream really as unhealthy as you might think? Not always. In some instance, a little ice cream can be good for you, especially when enjoyed in moderation.

By Cookist

Who doesn't love ice cream? This sweet treat is popular all over the world, especially when the weather is hot. Like other sweets, ice cream is much maligned for being unhealthy. But is ice cream really as unhealthy as you might think? Not always. In some instance, a little ice cream can be good for you, especially when enjoyed in moderation. Don't believe us? Here are the reasons why ice cream can actually be good for you.

Ice Cream has Calcium

Why is calcium good for you? Among other benefits, calcium is essential for strong bones. Eating the occasional ice cream can help you get the calcium you need to keep your bones healthy and strong. Calcium defiency has also been linked to breast cancer. Eating foods with calcium, like ice cream (and healthier options), may help reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Ice Cream's Nutrients and Their Benefits

Nutrients like vitamin D, A, and phosphorus are all present in ice cream. Vitamin D is essential for regulating moods and keeping depression at bay, so eating a bowl ice cream can make you happier (and not just because it tastes so good!). Phosphorus can boost your libido, so if you're looking to set the mood, break out some ice cream.


Ice Cream Gets Your Brain Going

Not only does ice cream have nutrients which help brain function, but eating ice cream is pleasurable and increases dopamine in the brain. This can help make you feel more alert.

Ice Cream Can Help with Fertility

People with diets low in dairy products may be less likely to conceive, according to some studies. Eating more dairy might help you get pregnant. One study found that women who eat more dairy have more regular ovulation.

As you now see, there are some health benefits to eating a small ice cream now and again. Of course, you don't want to overdo it, but you can feel free to enjoy an ice cream knowing that isn't all bad for you. It's important to note that ice cream contains sugar and sugar is linked to inflammation, can lead to obesity, and high blood sugar levels. This is why it's essential not to overindulge in ice cream. You can even try making homemade ice cream with less sugar to make it even better for you. Enjoy the odd ice cream as part of a well-balanced, healthy diet.

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