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Science says that olive oil is better than Viagra!

Problems between the sheets? It seems that olive oil is better than Viagra and in general the adoption of a Mediterranean diet would greatly improve the exertions of the men. Just 9 tablespoons and you're done.

By Cookist



Problems between the sheets? It seems that olive oil is better than Viagra and in general the adoption of a Mediterranean diet would greatly improve the exertions of the men. Just 9 tablespoons and you're done.

Researchers of the University of Athens say that a weekly dose of our beloved oil would be able to reduce impotence by about 40%.

Allied of heart, liver, blood vessels and circulation of the whole body, the precious oil could come in handy if we want our husband get young again in bed.


The study, presented at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (Esc) in Munich, was conducted on 660 67-years-old men and found that those who adopt a Mediterranean diet, and as such rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes, fish, have found less erection problems and even see their performance improved.

It seems that the merit is just of olive oil, which not only helps improve the performance of a man in the bedroom, but it can also help to dramatically increase testosterone levels, reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction, which is the incapacity to obtain and maintain an erection sufficient to have an intercourse.


"Men who follow a Mediterranean diet and in particular those who consume a lot of olive oil see their risk of impotence reduced up to 40% in old age," says Christina Chrysohoou, while even the small changes in lifestyle could prove to be more advantageous for those looking for a long-term solution.

While Viagra, created in the 90s and now available on a large scale, has helped the sexual life of millions of people, has many side effects that include headaches, backaches and visual disturbances, olive oil is just good. To the long list of its benefits, we can now also add a new exciting agreement with the partner!

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