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Taco Bell Set To Begin First-Ever Business School For Employees

Taco Bell will soon launch a new business school aimed at giving quality training to employees for franchise ownership. The program is in the form of a 6-day bootcamp where the employees receive various business lessons. After the course, the participants will become better equipped to do their everyday job and also understand more about franchising.

By Cookist

Taco Bell has the development of its employees at heart by launching a business school, "Taco Bell Business School," to train them for franchise ownership that could catapult their career in the right path.

Willing participants have to apply internally and will be granted scholarships via Taco Bell to complete the program. The school will work via the University of Louisville and help employees obtain skills required to become future franchise owners.

According to reports the famous fast food company will take existing Taco Bell employees working in higher-level restaurant positions and teach them the ropes when it comes to what it takes to own and operate a Taco Bell restaurant as a franchisee.


Mark King, CEO of the multimillion dollar company, who expressed delight at the opportunity to improve his employees' education, said:

"It’s going to be seasoned general managers that are probably running fairly decent-sized restaurants that are qualified to be on this path."

The program is made up of a six-week "boot camp," that will offer employees important business lessons, including financing, marketing, and human resource protocols, per entrepreneur.

King boasts that the program will be of help to all participants regardless of their personal goals. He said:

"Whether you want to just be more equipped to do your job today, whether you want to learn more if you want to understand more about franchising and the relationship between franchisee and franchisor."

In other Taco Bell news, the popular Taco chain has launched a nationwide Taco subscription program that allows US customers to buy a Taco Lover’s pass for $10. The pass can be redeemed for one taco per day for 30 days. Amazing right?

Now, you won't ever have to worry about the cost of eating tacos everyday!

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