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The dangers of heavy metal poisoning

This poisoning with heavy metals may occur because of the fish consumed, dental filings, consuming contaminated water, and other household products.

By Cookist

Read on to know about the heavy metal poisoning and what are the dangers associated with it.

Heavy metal poisoning or heavy metal toxicity is a huge problem that is contributing to cognitive changes, mood swings, and low energy levels in people. This poisoning with heavy metals may occur because of the fish consumed, dental filings, consuming contaminated water, and other household products.


You may be surprised to know that these heavy metals may penetrate our tissues and organs and remain stored in our body for years. So, consuming heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, thallium, and uranium in even small amounts and very high levels of zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, and lithium can be harmful to our body as it leads to heavy metal toxicity.

These toxic metals practically have no use in our body (except for the ones whose high quantity can lead to toxicity) and can lead to poisoning as they hide in the body for many years, which makes it difficult for our body to get rid of them. Here are ways to recognize heavy metal poisoning.


Persistent fatigue and weakness Skin irritation Anemia Autoimmune disease such as Lyme’s disease Neurological problems Dementia, poor memory, brain fog, difficulty in learning Depression, anxiety, insomnia Digestive problems, IBS Chronic body pain Tremors Impaired speech, vision, motor control, hearing difficulty

These are the danger associated with heavy metal poisoning.


Reduces central nervous function and mental health Damages vital organs such as kidney, liver, heart, and endocrine glands Negatively impacts muscular, physical, and neurological processes of our body. Changes the central nervous system functioning, tremors, headache, and cognitive loss May mimic the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s diseases, and multiple sclerosis Behavioral changes such as irritability Fatigue Skin problems Problem in hearing

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