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The Health Benefits of Dried Figs

Eating dry figs gives you access to a wide range of health benefits but not many people are aware of this. In this article we examine some of these benefits so be sure to read till the end.

By Cookist

Dried figs are great reservoirs of dietary fiber but that's not all they contain. They are also full of essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium.

What Nutrients can be found in Dried Figs


The nutrients in dried figs are numerous. Consuming just one half cup of figs will give you as much calcium as drinking one-half cup of milk.

In fact, ounce for ounce, figs contain more fiber than prunes and more potassium than bananas.

Nutrients in 1 (100 gram) Serving?

  • Calories: 249
  • Calcium: 12% of the RDI
  • Carbs: 64 grams
  • Sugar: 48 grams
  • Fiber: 10 grams
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Magnesium: 16% of the RDI
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Potassium: 14% of the RDI

Nutritional Value of Dried Figs

California Dried Figs, both dark purple Mission and amber-colored Goldens, are great sources of dietary fiber and a foolproof way to get your suggested daily intake of dietary fiber.

Fiber that occurs naturally in foods like figs are very good for the body. Not only can they help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity, but also type 2 diabetes.


How Many Figs Should You Eat Per Day?

A small handful should do. About 3 to 5 dried figs depending on the variety, provides 5 grams of dietary fiber or 20% of the Daily Value.

Dried Fig is a high source of fiber and contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. They have more dietary fiber than most other common fruits.

Therefore, you can boost your potassium intake by choosing foods like dry figs which contain potassium. This can help lower your blood pressure among other benefits.


Dried Figs Nutrition

People often opt for dried figs because they are a great source of important nutrients. They have no fat, cholesterol or sodium and will easily help you meet today’s Dietary Guidelines established by the US Department of Agriculture.


Paying attention to balancing calories, making informed food choices, and being physically active can help you attain and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic disease, and promote overall health.

Figs can help you in this endeavor, which is why they need to be a part of your diet. However as with most things moderacy is key.

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