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The Kitchen Towel Can Become Dangerous If Not Properly Cleaned, Experts Say

Experts alert the public that a kitchen towel holds potential danger if it is not thoroughly cleaned — frequently. A kitchen towel is one of the most commonly ignored household items in an average home despite how often it is used. Read on for the proper methods of cleaning yours to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones.

By Cookist

You don't have to be a certified cook or food enthusiast before you use your kitchen towel frequently. As long as you use your kitchen, you'll require a towel — one wipe and you have rid your tabletop of liquid messes or dirt!

However, as essential as the towel may be, it can become a carrier of dangerous microbes, posing a significant risk to your health. Worry not, in seven straightforward steps; we'll guide you on properly caring for your kitchen towel.

1. Wash your new towels immediately.


A common misconception that people have is that new fabrics are bare of germs, but experts say that is not always the case. A brand new kitchen towel can hold microbes and chemicals in its fibers that are not easily visible, thus the need for it to be washed with a good detergent after buying.

2. Give the towel an adequate rinse after washing


After washing your kitchen towel, rinse it thoroughly to ensure the total elimination of stains. To get rid of the germs as well, keep the towels in a microwave for a short while.

3. Use hot water to wash your kitchen towels daily


As mentioned above, one of your priorities when washing your kitchen towel is ridding it of germs. This calls for a need to place it in high temperatures, like in hot water or a microwave.

But for ease and since not everyone may have a microwave, experts advise washing the kitchen towel in hot water.

4. Dry the towels immediately after washing


After a thorough wash and rinse, spread the towels outside to dry. This must be done immediately after washing to prevent the growth of bacteria.

5. You can apply a stain remover.

You can do spot treatments before washing your towel to ease and shorten the cleaning process. Apply a stain cleaner on the stained area and let it soak for a minute before washing and, subsequently, rinsing the towel.

6. Protect your towel by using a "safe" detergent

A safe detergent poses no risk of damage to the towel's fabric when used. This is especially crucial when you plan to soak the towel in hot water with the detergent.

7. Always keep the towels aired out 

Always make sure your kitchen towels are constantly aired out. Also, keep your kitchen clean and free of germs that may cause terrible odors that your towels may absorb.

Overall, the way you take care of your kitchen towel determines its lifespan. To prevent quick damage, keep these handy tips in mind:

  • Wash your towel immediately after using it to clean a mess.
  • Use a detergent that has antimicrobial properties.
  • Get a cotton towel. They are easier to maintain.
  • Use bleach or baking soda to eliminate bad odors .
  • Don't use softeners because they can reduce the absorption capacity of the towels.
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