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The Proper Way to Hold a Wine Glass and Why It Matters

Just as there is a proper way to pour wine, there is also a proper way to hold it. You may think that barely matters, but that is only true when you’re home. Keep reading to learn why holding your wine glass properly matters and how to do it.

By Cookist

Many people are aware that wine has many etiquettes attached to it but they couldn’t be bothered to care. Sommeliers think differently, and they believe there is a proper way to do everything concerning wine.

Today, we examine the proper way a sommelier would hold a wine glass and the benefits of doing that.

Why How You Hold Your Wine Glass Matters


Before we teach you how to hold your wine glass properly, it’s crucial you understand why you do so. Handling your glass properly helps get the most out of your wine experience for three main reasons:

1. It Preserves the Wine’s Temperature

Your body—especially your palms—gives off heat. As such, holding a wine glass with too much skin contact can alter the wine’s temperature. It’s standard to serve white wines at cooler temperatures than red wines. So for all wines, it’s important to maintain a proper temperature for as long as possible. That usually means keeping your hands off the glass as much as possible.

2. It Keeps Things Clean

Your hands naturally carry oils. They can also trap grease and other food remains especially if you eat with your hands.

“You don’t want those same oils or foods to end up on the bowl of your glass,” An expert advises. “It will alter your perception of the wine because you will pick up those aromas as well.”

In addition to interfering with the wine’s flavor profile, smudges on the glass also affect the way of sensing the wine’s true color, which is another metric of enjoying wine.


3. It Can Enhance Flavor

Holding a glass properly can help you achieve a graceful, controlled swirl that will leave your pants free of wine stains and spills. Swirling is a key component of the Five S’s of wine tasting that encourages the aeration of wine, thereby activating its aromatic compounds. That’s very important since our sense of smell is more responsible than taste in the perception of flavor.

How to Hold a Traditional Wine Glass


A traditional stemmed wine glass will have a bowl (where the wine is poured), a stem (the long, slender bit beneath the bowl), and a base (the flat bit at the bottom).

There are several different types of wine glasses that are constructed to maximize the enjoyment of specific varietals. But let’s refer to traditional wine glasses as any glass with a stem for this article.

A crucial rule when it comes to properly holding a traditional wine glass is to have very little contact with your glass. Grab it by the stem and lift it gently with your fingers. This helps avoid changes in the wine’s temperature through contact with the bowl and prevents smudgy fingerprints. It also gives you more control when swirling the wine to release its aromas.


Any of the following holds are great:

1. Thumb and Forefinger

Keep your hold on the glass towards the base of the stem, gripping between your thumb and your index finger. Keep the rest of your fingers at the base.

2. Pinch at Stem

Hold the glass towards the bottom of the stem, almost like gripping a mug by its handle.

3. Pinch at Base

Use your thumb and forefinger to grip the glass around where the stem and base meet.

Is There a “Best” Way to Hold a Wine Glass?

The “best” approach is usually what feels most comfortable for you, so don’t be afraid to experiment while observing the rules as much as possible.

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