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Crumpets: the effortless griddle bread recipe for a delicious British teatime treat

Total time: 2H20
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
By Cookist

If you’re looking for a quintessential British teatime treat, then look no further than these traditional crumpets. It’s a popular small griddle bread that is a sort of a cross between English muffins and pancakes. It’s popular all over the UK, Australia, and even Canada. And now, you can make it in your own home!

The best crumpets have small holes on the surface, which allows the butter to move from the top through to the bottom. It has a light flavor—not as intense as a muffin. The texture is spongy, fluffy, and chewy all at the same time. And with a crispy crust, you have all the texture you need.

What Are Crumpets?

Crumpets are a type of griddle cake made from flour, milk (or water), and yeast. In the UK, they’re traditionally enjoyed for breakfast with honey, or during the afternoon together with tea, fruit preserves and cream.

The name “crumpet” is said to have come from John Wycliffe, who was an English Bible translator. He used to call it crompid cake. This name might have been influenced by the Celtic word for a thin, flat cake. In fact, the Welsh word crempog or crempot actually refers to a pancake.

Crumpets vs English Muffins

People often confuse the English muffin and crumpet with one another. While both are griddle cakes, there are some differences.

English muffins have a bread-like texture that is doughy and heavy, while crumpets are light and spongier. English muffins are usually sliced horizontally for serving while crumpets are served with slicing.

Crumpets vs Pancakes

Crumpet batter is similar to that of a pancake batter, but crumpets are usually made with yeast, which makes the dough thicker and more bubbly.

Crumpet Ingredients

Flour – use all-purpose flour or bread flour (not cake flour).

Baking soda – make sure to use baking soda and not baking powder.

Milk – use whole milk for best results; allow the milk to warm slightly at room temperature.

Yeast – make sure your yeast is active.

Milk – allow the milk to warm slightly at room temperature.

How To Make Crumpets

Start by preparing the yeast mixture. Place the sugar and yeast in the warm milk, and set aside to rest until frothy (usually about 10 minutes). Whisk together the dry ingredients before adding the yeast mixture.

The batter will be thick, but runny. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel and allow to rest for at least 45 minutes, bubbles will start to form on the surface when ready.

To cook the crumpets, grease four egg rings with vegetable oil and arrange them in a large non-stick or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Pour ¼ cup of batter into each egg ring and cook until bubbles start to appear on the surface.

Use the tongs to carefully remove the egg rings and flip over the crumpets. Continue to cook the crumpet batter is used up.


Can You Make Crumpets Without Crumpet Rings?

Yes! The crumpet batter is too loose and runny to cook without rings. The rings will help the batter stay in place while it cooks.

How To Eat Traditional Crumpets

There are so many delicious ways to eat crumpets. At their most basic, they have to be toasted (always toast them before eating!), spread with butter and drizzled with honey.

You can also eat them with jam or food preserves, Nutella, peanut butter, or even cream cheese!

Tips For Making The Best Crumpets

Make sure to rest your crumpet batter. This gives the gluten time to relax, which means light and fluffy crumpets. Rest for at least 45 minutes, or up to 2 days.

Use a large frying pan— either a non-stick pan (an indispensable item in the kitchen) or a well-seasoned cast-iron pan.

Don’t make the pan too hot, instead cook over medium heat. If the pan is too hot, the crumpets will burn before it’s completely cooked.

Use a pastry brush to coat the pan with a thin layer of oil. You don’t want it to be too greasy.

How To Store Crumpets

Store the crumpets in an airtight container (in the fridge) for up to 4 days.

You can also freeze crumpets. Allow them to cool completely, transfer to a Ziploc bag, and freeze for up to 3 months. Allow to thaw completely, and toast before eating.

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All-purpose flour or bread flour
2 cups (270 g)
bicarbonate of soda or baking soda
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
warm milk
1 1/2 cup
Active Dry Yeast
2 tsp
castor sugar
1 tsp


Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the warm milk, and set aside to rest until frothy.

Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, and salt into a large bowl and whisk to combine.

Gently pour in the foamy yeast mixture.

Stir to combine. The batter will be thick, but runny.

Cover the bowl and allow to rest for at least 45 minutes.

Grease the egg rings with vegetable oil, then arrange in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Pour ¼ cup of batter into each egg ring.

Cook until bubbles start to appear on the surface.

Use the tongs to carefully remove the egg rings and flip over the crumpets. Continue to cook for another minute. Grease the rings again and continue to cook until all the batter is used up.

Serve and enjoy.


If you want to make them in advance, toast lightly before serving.

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