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These 4 Fruits and Veggies Are Cheap and Versatile!

In 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) increased the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables from five a day to ten a day! Seeing as most folks already struggled to get in five servings, it seems as though ten would almost be impossible. Read on to see which fruits and veg are not only cheap, but also super versatile. It’ll help you to reach your “10-a-day”.

By Cookist

Eating enough fruits and vegetables is a challenge! Not only are they often expensive, it’s quite difficult to eat ten different servings of whole fruits and veg each day. Luckily, they also count as part of our daily recommended intake when we incorporate them into other dishes. Here are a few items in the fresh produce aisle that cost less, and can be used in various ways!



Yes, we know an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but that’s not the only reason why you should be eating ‘em! Apples keep very well, and aren’t as prone to spoilage as other softer fruits. Store them in the fridge, and they can keep for months! Fresh apples can be eaten as is, added to a fruit salad, or eaten with granola. You can also include apples in a stew or roast (they go very well with pork!). And what do you do when they become mushy? Well, then you use them to make applesauce, apple butter, or apple muffins!



They are likely the most underappreciated root vegetables in our pantry. Whole carrots will last for weeks in the vegetable drawer of your fridge, and can be used in many ways. Eat fresh crispy carrots raw, grate them in a salad or coleslaw, or roast them until they become sweet and caramelized.



Not only are bananas affordable, they even come in their own packaging! They’re jam packed with nutrients like potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6. Eat them as a quick snack on the go or incorporate them into your breakfast meals by adding them to yoghurt or oatmeal. Bananas taste delicious in desserts too – try your hand at making Bananas Foster, banana pudding, and even banana ice cream! And we all know what to do when bananas go brown… make banana bread!

Sweet potatoes


This is definitely another root vegetable that deserves more attention. Sweet potatoes can be roasted with maple syrup, fried, or added to a stew. Like the other fruits and vegetables mentioned here, they can be used in desserts too. Whether you make a classic sweet potato pie, a casserole dessert, or sweet potato muffins, it’ll definitely satisfy your sweet tooth! And the added advantage is that they are naturally sweet, so you don’t have to add to much sugar!

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