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Watermelon Punch Bowl

Total time: 15 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 10 people
By Cookist


1 large
Unflavored Seltzer
3 cups

Not only is this recipe extremely simple but it is also the perfect drink on a hot day. With no sugar added, this drink is pure watermelon goodness. Using the watermelon shell to create a perfect bowl also gives you a great centerpiece for your table. So not only do you have a deliciously refreshing drink but a beautiful display all thanks to the watermelon! While we do not add any alcohol in this recipe, this watermelon punch goes great with some added vodka, rum or even tequila so feel free to jazz up this punch to your liking!


Step 1

  • Pick a watermelon with a nice green color and a skin with no indentations or blemishes so that it will make a good looking bowl.
  • Cut a small sliver off the bottom of the watermelon. Try not to cut into the pink flesh, you simply want to create a flat base for your bowl.
  • Cut about 1/4 off the top of the watermelon.

Step 2

  • Using a knife and a spoon, slice around the pink flesh and then scoop out the watermelon from the center. Use the spoon to get the inside of the bowl clean and smooth but remember not to go too low into the bottom- you don’t' want to make a hole and have a leaky bowl!
  • Place the watermelon flesh into a blender and blend.
  • Strain the watermelon juice from the blender to remove any seeds that may remain

Step 3

  • Pour the seltzer into the watermelon juice and stir gently.
  • Pour the punch back into the watermelon bowl and garnish with fruit, such as blueberries, if desired.
  • Serve while cold or with ice and enjoy!


This recipe may make more punch than will fit back in the watermelon bowl. Keep some of the punch in the refrigerator and refill the watermelon bowl as needed.
Do you have left over punch after your party? Try freezing the watermelon juice to make refreshing popsicles

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