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What are Gummy Bears Actually Made Of?

Gummy bears were invented in 1922 in Germany and are primarily made of gelatin, sugar, and fruit flavoring. While traditionally made with pork gelatin, alternatives like beef or plant-based gelatins are available. Major brands differ slightly in ingredients.

By Cookist

Gummy bears: those squishy, colorful little treats that have captured hearts and taste buds around the world. Originating from Germany in the early 20th century, these delightful candies are a simple pleasure made from just a handful of ingredients. But have you ever wondered what exactly gives gummy bears their irresistible chewiness and vibrant colors? Join us as we delve into the sweet, chewy world of gummy bears.

Gummy Bears' History

Gummy bears have been delighting sweet tooths around the world since their invention in 1922 by Hans Riegel, a confectioner from Bonn, Germany. Riegel's company, Haribo, named the candy "Gummibärchen," which translates to little rubber bears. This treat has evolved over the last century but has always retained its playful appeal and fruity flavors.

What are Gummy Bears Actually Made Of?

The primary ingredients in gummy bears include gelatin, sugar, glucose syrup (or corn syrup), starch, flavoring, food coloring, and citric acid. Gelatin, which gives gummy bears their distinctive chewy texture, is a protein derived from collagen obtained from various animal parts. It's this ingredient that often raises questions about the presence of pork.


So… Pork in Gummy Bears?

Yes, many gummy bears contain pork in the form of pork-derived gelatin. However, for those avoiding pork for dietary or religious reasons, there are alternatives. Some brands use bovine (beef) gelatin, while others opt for fish gelatin or pectin (a plant-based alternative) to cater to vegetarians and certain religious communities.

How Are Gummy Bears Made?

The manufacturing of gummy bears involves mixing sugar, glucose syrup, and gelatin, which is then heated. Once the mixture achieves the right consistency, it's colored and flavored. The liquid is poured into molds that are typically shaped like little bears. After setting, the gummies are ejected from the molds and given a light coating of beeswax or carnauba wax to prevent sticking and to add shine.


What do Different Brands Use as Ingredients? 

Different brands have slightly different recipes:

  • Haribo, the original creator, uses pork or beef gelatin, depending on the product line.
  • Albanese and Black Forest often use pork gelatin but also offer specific gelatin-free varieties.
  • Jelly Belly uses pork gelatin in its gummy bears.

Some Fun Facts About Gummy Bears

Gummy bears can range from tiny (about 2 cm) to giant versions weighing as much as 5 pounds. The standard colors of gummy bears usually represent different flavors, such as red for raspberry or green for apple, but did you know that clear gummy bears are typically pineapple-flavored? They've been featured in everything from commercials to video games and even a cartoon series in the late 1980s. The world's largest gummy bear was made in 2014, weighing 1,400 pounds.

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