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What is Celtic Sea Salt?

Also known as "sel gris", celtic sea salt is a natural salt which is becoming very popular among chefs. With its complex flavor, it's rich in minerals, helps nutrient absorption, and beyond.

By Cookist
  • Celtic Sea Salt, also known as Sel gris, is a natural sea salt harvested from seawater in the estuaries near Guérande, France. It is solar-evaporated ocean water that resides at the bottom of clay ponds, giving it a unique minerality and complex flavor. The harvesting process, which has not changed in 1,200 years, involves channeling the brine to shallow salt pans dug in the native clay where it crystallizes via solar evaporation.
  • Celtic Sea Salt is characterized by its gray color, crunchy texture, and slight dampness. It contains a rich array of minerals including calcium, copper, zinc, iron, and potassium, which contribute to its distinct and nuanced taste, often referred to as "oceanic umami." Unlike regular table salt, it adds a more complex and layered flavor to dishes.
  • Celtic Sea Salt is a rich source of essential minerals and trace elements that support various physiological functions, including enhancing nutrient absorption, supporting digestive health, maintaining natural electrolyte balance, and promoting healthier skin. It is unrefined, retaining more of its natural mineral composition compared to regular table salt, making it a healthier and more wholesome choice.

In the estuaries near the town of Guérande in France, a unique type of salt is harvested, known as Celtic sea salt or Sel gris. This natural salt is gaining popularity and threatening to overtake other gourmet salts, including the famed Himalayan pink sea salt. But what makes Celtic salt stand out, and is it worth the hype?

Origin and Production

Celtic salt is harvested from seawater that settles in clay silt ponds. The combined effects of wind and sun form a dense brine, which is then channeled to shallow salt pans dug in the native clay. Here, it crystallizes via solar evaporation to form salt crystals. This natural process imparts Sel gris with its characteristic gray color and a moisture content of about 15%, unlike most sea salts and commercially manufactured salts which maintain moisture contents of less than 1%.

Unique Characteristics


The natural harvesting process gives Celtic salt a different taste and texture compared to industrially refined table salt. The latter is processed at high temperatures, turning it predominantly into sodium chloride and destroying many valuable, naturally occurring minerals. In contrast, Celtic salt retains its natural mineral content, offering a richer flavor and added health benefits.

Health Concerns

Commercial table salt often contains additives such as ferrocyanide, dextrose, talc, and silica aluminate, derived from aluminum. These additives, especially aluminum, are ideally avoided as their accumulation in the body is linked to various health problems. Talc, another additive in table salt, can cause symptoms ranging from coughing to lung failure when inhaled or swallowed, especially in infants. Celtic salt, being naturally derived and minimally processed, is free from these harmful additives.

The Rising Trend

The growing awareness about the health benefits of natural salts and the potential harm of additives in commercial salt is contributing to the rising trend of Celtic salt. Consumers and chefs alike are drawn to its natural, unrefined quality, light gray color, and moist texture. Its growing popularity is a testament to the shifting focus towards natural, wholesome, and healthy food choices.

Unveiling the Richness of Celtic Sea Salt: A Journey from Ocean to Table

In the world of gourmet salts, Celtic sea salt stands out with its unique characteristics and myriad health benefits. Harvested from the solar-evaporated ocean water that resides at the bottom of clay ponds, it boasts a hefty minerality and a distinct, complex flavor, often referred to as "oceanic umami." This salt, gray in color, with a crunchy texture and slight dampness, is reminiscent of the moon's surface when finely ground. Its array of minerals, including calcium, copper, zinc, iron, and potassium, along with active enzymes and ancient decomposed ocean flora and fauna, contribute to its rich composition.

A Taste of Terroir

The unaltered harvesting process, unchanged for 1,200 years, ensures each Celtic salt harvest offers a unique taste, reflecting the specific place and time it was raked up from the briny bottom of the clay pool. This clear terroir contrasts sharply with regular table salt, which is often described as having a straightforward salty taste with little complexity. The varied color and granule size of sea salts like Celtic salt further influence their perceived health benefits, taste, and texture, making them a worthwhile investment for special meals or as a finishing salt.

Nutritional Wealth

Celtic Sea Salt is a treasure trove of essential minerals and trace elements that play crucial roles in promoting overall health and well-being. Incorporating it into meals can enhance food-nutrient absorption by up to 7%, optimizing overall nutrient intake and supporting digestive health by aiding the breakdown of carbohydrates into easily absorbable nutrients. This salt's natural electrolyte balance, containing sodium, potassium, and magnesium, is vital for maintaining proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Health and Beyond

Beyond its nutritional benefits, Celtic Sea Salt is alkalizing, helping to balance the body's pH levels and reduce acidity. It offers relief for skin irritations when combined with warm water, thanks to its organic plankton and magnesium content. Ethical consumers will value its sustainable and organic nature, sourced from pristine waters without harmful additives or chemicals. Even your garden can thrive with a boost from Celtic Sea Salt, promoting healthier growth and vitality in potted plants.

Culinary Delight

In the culinary world, the rich and authentic flavor of Celtic Sea Salt enhances the taste and elevates cooking to a new level, adding a more complex and nuanced taste to dishes compared to regular table salt. It stands as a natural alternative to processed salt, retaining its natural mineral content and offering a healthier and more wholesome choice for culinary adventures.

Health Precautions

Despite the numerous benefits of Celtic Sea Salt, it's essential to observe salt intake regulations to avoid overconsumption. Those allergic to iodine or with kidney issues should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating it into their diet. The health perks of using this mineral-rich condiment in cooking are undeniable, easing muscle cramps, aiding hydration, and supporting a healthy nervous system, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

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