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What’s your Zodiac Sign? Here’s how to eat according to it!

Yes, food astrology is an actual thing! Food astrologer Angel Eyedealism tells us about which meals you should be eating according to your zodiac sign for the best way to stay healthy this year.

By Cookist

Yes, food astrology is an actual thing! Food astrologer Angel Eyedealism tells us about which meals you should be eating according to your zodiac sign for the best way to stay healthy this year.



Aries likes things fast, and that applies to their food choices, too. Aries want immediate gratification, and tasty treats like burgers or alcoholic drinks fit the bill only too well. To keep healthy and trim, Aries should slow down their eating habits a bit and opt for some balanced, filling meals.



Taureans love their food, and they like to eat slowly and savor every mouthful. They tend to love luxury foods from around the world.



Gemini loves variety, and you’ll often find them switching their food choices up. Many Gemini’s are blessed with a fast metabolism, so they can eat what they like without gaining weight – for a while, anyway! Gemini loves to be social, so they like to combine eating with chatting, and party food is a favorite of theirs.



Cancer is something of an expert in the kitchen, and they prefer rustling up a home-cooked meal to eating out at a fancy restaurant. Cancer is a deeply sensitive sign, so emotional eating can be a problem for them.



Extravagant, flamboyant Leo loves the finest foods, such as caviar, lobster, oysters and champagne. Leos would rather be out in a fine-dining restaurant than slaving away in their own kitchens.



Virgos are known for their attention to detail, which makes them good to have in the kitchen. However, Virgos are often so busy that they tend to choose quick, convenient food rather than the wonderful culinary creations they are so good at creating.



Libras are likely to be those foodies you follow on Instagram. They love to make their meals look beautiful as well as taste great, and they can often be found taking photos of their meals before eating. Libra has a sweet tooth, but they do tend to eat healthier than most of the other signs.



Deep and mysterious Scorpios tend to love spicy foods, although they are more indifferent than most when it comes to food, having a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. Scorpios don’t like anyone coming between them and their food when they’re hungry, though!



Food-loving Sagittarians tend to be adventurous and would like to travel around the globe sampling dishes from all cultures. They crave variety, and are likely to be the one who tries something new on a menu.



Capricorns like their meals on a fixed schedule, and they tend to dislike too much spiciness or intense flavors. Capricorns are picky, though, so even a simple dish has to be perfectly prepared for them to like it.



Aquarians have a tendency to become so involved in their work that they forget to eat until they become ravenous, and then they hit the junk food. Aquarians will benefit from remembering to eat healthy meals, and start the day with a nutritious breakfast to prevent them feeding their sweet tooth later in the day.



It should come as no surprise that water sign Pisces love their seafood! Pisces have a creative mind, and should give it free rein when cooking. Those born under this star sign tend to have a sensitive digestive system, so mild, easy-to-digest foods like fish are ideal for them.

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