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Why Does Leftover Food Taste Better The Next Day

Everyone loves leftovers because they always seem to taste better! If you have ever wondered why, well, you are not alone. There is an interesti process linked to why this happens and scientists have narrowed it down to the magical chemistry that takes place overnight.

By Cookist

Have you ever wondered why leftover pasta, lasagne or even curry taste better the next day? Well, it’s not just in your head. Scientists have established that this isn’t due to any particular human psyche or changes in your taste buds. It is actually caused by a chemical change to its constituents over time.

Why leftovers taste better the next day

Your flavourful bowl of spaghetti continues to develop new flavour molecules even when you have stopped cooking over heat. Just as if it was in a slow cooker, the spices continue to soak into the main constituents of the dish. Your leftovers would taste even better if it contains meat. That’s because meat is made up of gelatins that breakdown over time, giving it a richer texture that enhances its flavors.


Are leftovers good the next day?

Leftover food might look a tad weird when you see them as these changes may cause separation of the constituents but this is quickly rectified by reheating it. And what you will have is a hot meal with intensified flavours.

Although leftover food tastes so delicious, you shouldn’t leave your food in the refrigerator for far too long as spoilage may set in. Ensure that you consume all refrigerated leftovers within four days.


If you have prepared your meals to last longer then you should freeze them instead. This will stop the spread of dangerous microbes while still intensifying the flavours of the dish.

Now you have a reason to prepare your meals ahead! Not only will it help you save cooking time during the week, it can help you eat healthier.

Every dish has a story
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