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Why is it necessary To Change Your Fridge Temperature In Winter?

When you get a new fridge, setting it at the right temperature can be challenging. Below are some factors to consider when setting it to ensure your foods are preserved at the right temperature.

By Cookist

Setting your new fridge at the right temperature does not have to be a game of trial and error. Sure, everyone hates pulling out the milk to eat some cereal only to realize it’s become an ice block, but if you follow the tips we're about to share with you, avoiding occasions like that will be easy.

What fridge temperature will keep food fresh?

Fresh foods like meat, vegetables and fruit need to be kept fresh and to achieve this you could put them in your fridge while keeping the temperature between 0-5 degrees. 

According to experts, the unsafe zone for potentially dangerous bacteria growth is between 5 and 60 degrees celsius. This means you need to keep your fridge temperature above 5 degrees constantly if you want to keep your food safe and avoid the risk of food poisoning.


How cold should my freezer be?

You may set your freezer at -15 degrees or below as most foods are frozen solid at that temperature. This significantly decreases the chance of microbial growth which can affect your health.

Remember to keep frozen foods like meat, bread and sauces in airtight containers or packaging to keep them fresh and reduce risk.

Should you turn your fridge down in summer?


If you're going to be opening your fridge very often, you may want to turn the fridge temperature down by one or two degrees to keep things cold.

If you're not going to be opening it often, like you would in the event of a party or barbecue, then you can leave it at the normal setting.

Besides that, it isn’t necessary to change the thermostat on your fridge during the warmer months.

Do you need to change your fridge temperature in winter?


The fact that the air outside is cooler in winter is not enough reason to turn up your fridge's temperature. Your fridge and even your freezer can actually warm up in winter so it’s crucial to be watchful of the temperature.

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