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Why You Should Eat Chicken Broth: The Benefits of This Elixir of Well-Being for the Body and the Soul

This dish, popoular in cultures around the world, reveals how food can be much more than a simple meal: it is nourishment for the body and spirit, and a culinary delight that stands out on festive occasions.

By Cookist

When it comes for food that is good for the body and also warms the soul, chicken soup emerges as a timeless classic. And, often, in the conversation there is someone who says: "My grandmother used to make it for me", followed by someone else who confirms "Me too, she used to make soup for me when I was sick". In fact, behind this dish, there is often the wisdom of the elderly who, in addition to preparing it with love, knew of the incredible benefits that would derive from it.

Why You Should Drink Chicken Broth: The Health Benefits

Comfort food par excellence, chicken broth is a treasure trove of health benefits. Its nutritional composition makes it a particularly beneficial preparation in different contexts, especially if you avoid skimming it.

  • For starters, chicken broth is a natural source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing body tissue. The proteins present in the broth, deriving from both the meat and bones of the chicken, are easily digestible, making this food particularly suitable in situations of convalescence or during recovery from illness and diseases. It is for this reason that chicken broth is often recommended during colds or flu, underlining the fact that our grandmothers were right.
  • Furthermore, it also contains a good quantity of mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and group B vitamins, extracted from the bones during long cooking. These minerals are critical for bone and tooth health, as well as playing an important role in other bodily functions such as blood pressure regulation and muscle function.
  • Another key component of chicken broth is collagen, which turns into gelatin during cooking and which, easily absorbed by the body, is known for its beneficial effects on the health of the skin, hair and nails. Additionally, collagen is important for joint health, helping to reduce inflammation and pain associated with conditions such as arthritis.
  • Particularly suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding, chicken broth proves to be a nutritious and safe option. Its lightness and ease of digestion make it particularly suitable in these periods, where the woman's body undergoes changes and may have specific dietary needs. Furthermore, it contributes to good hydration, a fundamental aspect in these periods. However, it is crucial to ensure that the broth is prepared with well-cooked chicken to avoid risks of foodborne infections, and to moderate the use of salt and strong spices.

Finally, the emotional and psychological aspect cannot be overlooked. Consuming a bowl of hot chicken broth can have a calming and comforting effect, a real balm for the soul, especially in times of stress or discomfort.


When to Avoid Chicken Broth

Chicken soup is generally considered a health food, but there are some things to consider regarding specific health conditions, such as liver problems, gastroenteritis, gastritis, and the quality of the chicken used.

During an attack of gastroenteritis, which involves inflammation of the stomach and intestines, a bland diet is often recommended. While chicken broth may seem like an appropriate choice, in some cases it may not be recommended, especially if it is fatty or high in spices, as it may further irritate the digestive tract.

For those who suffer from gastritis, characterized by inflammation of the stomach, chicken broth, especially if fatty or heavy, could slow digestion and aggravate gastritis symptoms. Excessive or frequent intake of chicken broth could increase the workload of the liver, especially in individuals who already suffer from it.

Finally, the quality of the chicken used in the broth is of fundamental importance: chickens raised with the excessive use of fertilizers, drugs or antibiotics can affect not only the taste of the broth, but also the long-term health of the consumer. It is advisable to choose organic or sustainably raised chicken to reduce exposure to these substances.

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