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Yellow Watermelons, One Of Nature’s Sweetest Wonders (Literally And Figuratively!)

Summer is finally here, and we can't help but be all about the best fruits to enjoy for the new season. Watermelons top our list, and we are delighted to bring to your notice one of the lesser-known varieties of this delicious fruit – the yellow watermelon! These also have a green shell, like the common type, but they taste sweeter and are a heavenly sight to behold.

By Cookist

Yellow watermelons are the less popular counterpart of the pink watermelons. They owe their name to their bright yellow content, a stark contrast to that of the traditional watermelon.

Below, we have answered some of the most popular questions people ask this unique variety of watermelons.

1. Are yellow watermelons safe to eat?


Yes! If you happen to buy one of these without knowing, there is nothing to fear. They are just as delicious and healthy to eat, like the traditional variety.

2. Do yellow watermelons taste any different?


Yes. Like their more common counterpart, yellow watermelons are sweet. However, their taste is said to be much more unique, with many likening it to that of honey's.

3. Why are yellow watermelons yellow?


The flesh of watermelons turning yellow is said to be a natural phenomenon with experts attesting to the fact that the variety we now term "traditional," is native to Africa, and its ancestors had yellow to white flesh.

As for the scientific explanation of why they are so colored, experts say they lack lycopene. Lycopene is the chemical that gives fruits like tomatoes and the traditional watermelon their signature red color.

Its absence in yellow watermelons is a straightforward answer to questions about the variety's unique coloring.

4. Are yellow watermelons healthier than pink ones?


No. The two varieties provide you with the same nutrients. Like the red watermelon, yellow watermelon has a high content of vitamins A and C, which are beneficial to the skin and immune system.

The slight difference in the benefits that come with eating yellow watermelons is that they provide a higher dosage of beta-carotene, which can protect against cancer and eye diseases than red watermelons do.

Are you also awed by the natural wonder of the yellow watermelon? Try growing some yourself, here are five subvarieties of you can choose from:

  • The Yellow Crimson
  • The Yellow Doll watermelon
  • The Buttercup Yellow Melon
  • The Desert King
  • The Yellow Petite

Good luck!

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