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You Won’t Believe What Queen Elizabeth’s Favorite Takeaway Is!

The Queen, alongside the rest of the British royal family, is treated to a daily slew of special meals prepared by top chefs. But, that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy the occasional fast food now and then. According to insiders, the matriarch has a favourite takeaway and even adds a special twist to it. Can you guess what the traditional dish is?


The Queen has a lot of favorites when it comes to food and one of them is takeaway fish and chips. New report from an insider states that the Queen loves the delicious street food.

"She very occasionally treats herself to fish and chips when at Balmoral… A footman is dispatched to get it from the local town of Ballater," the insider said.

The report is further proven correct by former royal chef Darren McGrady who has disclosed what it was like working for the Royal Family for 15 years many times.

He recounted that everyone at Buckingham palace loved fish and chips, and that's including the 300 staff that kept the establishment running smoothly.


Darren McGrady:

“Everybody loved fish and chips… All the staff, 300 staff at Buckingham Palace, all of the chefs would have fish and chips for lunch. But, forget your tartar sauce and your ketchup, we loved it with salad cream.”

As for the Queen, however, the Queen reportedly had her fish and chips in a panko breadcrumb rather than traditional batter while her favorite condiments to pair with the sauce are Lea & Perrins, HP Sauce, and Heinz ketchup.

But fish and chips aren't the only indulgent treat the royal loves! Not even the Queen is immune to the addictive treat that is chocolate.

Although the Queen is known to have a sweet tooth, McGrady explains that she is peculiarly obsessed with chocolate treats, especially their layered chocolate pie recipe.

He said:

"She is absolutely a chocoholic…Anything we put on the menu that had chocolate on, she would choose, especially chocolate perfection pie [a layered chocolate pie with white and dark chocolate and chocolate shavings]."

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