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10 Food Items And Parts Of Them You Didn’t Know You Could Eat

Fruits are commonly made up of an outer shell, which could be hard or soft, rarely, a pit, and the succulents. Because the peel is considered as mere protection for the succulent parts, most fruits are eaten peeled and with their pits or seeds (if any) thrown away. Did you know that these commonly discarded parts of food items are actually edible and beneficial to your health? Read on for a list of different fruits and pieces of them that are not known to be edible!

By Cookist

Fruits dominate this list, but you'll be surprised to find that some parts of a chicken that are commonly discarded make exceptionally delicious meals (take, for example, the Korean spicy chicken feet)!

1. Avocado — Its pits can be ground to make flour or extract its oils.


The avocado is a decadent fruit rich in proteins and so very filling. It is made up of its outer skin, the succulent flesh, and a large pit (which is averagely 18% of its total size).

The norm is to discard the large pit, but experts say that although it doesn't appear so, it is highly beneficial to human health.

Scientists report that avocado seed flour significantly reduced total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol in mice, and test-tube studies on avocado seed extracts have shown that the pits may have strong antioxidant properties.

2. Pineapple — the core is hard, but it's just as nutritious!


Not everyone likes eating the core of the pineapple, and this is perhaps because it is harder and less sweet than the rest of the pineapple.

But don't discard it — like the surrounding fruit, it is also packed with beneficial nutrients.

3. Carrot — its green top has a high vitamin content


One of the most common misconceptions about carrots is that their greens should never be ingested, but that is far from the truth. Carrot tops and greens are perfectly fine for consumption: chop them to add to a bowl of salad, stew, or sauce.

4. Chickens — the feet and red cockscomb


You may already be aware that people eat chicken feet, but did you know that the red cockscomb is also edible? In fact, it may be one of the tastiest parts of the chicken.

5. Banana — the peels are packed with supernutrients.


For many, banana peels are to be quickly discarded because they are nothing but disaster. Many never hear how these banana peels are high in antioxidants, potassium, dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fats, and essential amino acids.

You don't have to eat banana peels raw; wash then fry them in a pan to make a yummy replica of bacon or blend them along with other fruits to make a smoothie.

6. Watermelon — its rinds are also safe to eat.


The entirety of a watermelon is edible, and that includes its tough skin, which is especially known to provide numerous health benefits.

Its most important constituent is amino acid, citrulline, which is thought to heighten libido, improve oxygen delivery to muscles, reduce blood pressure, and act as an excellent source of fiber.

7. Citrus rind — can be added to any meal


Give your meals citrus notes by adding the grated rinds — any citrus fruit will do! As for the health benefits, the rind contains vitamins, antioxidants, calcium, and potassium.

8. Mango — its peels are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, and phytonutrients


Next time, you're blending mangoes to make a smoothie, add its peels too. A research study reports that mango skin extract exhibited more potent antioxidant properties than mango flesh extract.

However, make sure to clean the flesh properly before consumption.

9. Broccoli — its stalks may be more nutritious than their heads


The stems of broccoli are said to be slightly milder and sweeter, but if properly prepared, they will be tasty, contain antioxidants, and fiber.

10. Kiwi — its skins are rich in fiber


When eating kiwis, don't peel it. Scientists report that kiwi skins are rich in vitamin C and fibers that are very beneficial to your gut.

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