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10 natural remedies to eliminate the bad breath caused by the onion

In addition to brushing teeth and using mouthwash, there are a number of effective natural remedies that will help you to eliminate onion bad breath from the mouth, counteracting the smell.

By Cookist


Do you know how to remove onion bad breath?

Onion is a tuber very used in the kitchen, just like garlic, as it helps make our dishes more tasty. There is, however, one drawback: halitosis resulting from the consumption of onions, especially if they are eaten raw. A situation that can last all day, and that can compromise our social life. How to solve this problem, then? In addition to brushing teeth and using mouthwash, there are a number of effective natural remedies that will help you to eliminate onion bad breath from the mouth, counteracting the smell.

Why do we have bad breath after eating onion?

When we cut the raw onion or garlic, the release of methyl-allyl sulfide immediately occurs, which, once ingested, reaches the lungs, through the bloodstream: we immediately feel it on our breath. The bad breath caused by garlic and onions can last several hours, so it is important to know how to counteract the problem. But what is the first thing to do? After eating the onion it is important to brush your teeth, brushing and flossing them for at least a couple of minutes. Finally, also use the mouthwash. After these steps, you can continue with the use of natural remedies to eliminate the smell of onions from the mouth. Let’s see what they are.

1. Green tea


Green tea contains vegetable substances, that are polyphenols, which help destroy sulfur compounds released by the onion, which cause halitosis. The same function is also carried out by the antioxidants contained in green tea, which effectively fight bad breath. To increase its effectiveness, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

2. Milk and cheese

Drinking whole milk after eating the onion helps fight the bad smell of the breath, as it reduces the concentration of those compounds that cause halitosis. You can also use it to gargle or replace it with yogurt. Even dairy products can help: try eating a piece of cheese, it will help you to fight the bad breath caused by the onion.

3. Sodium bicarbonate


Among the home remedies to remove the smell of onion from the mouth, there is also sodium bicarbonate: it helps to neutralize halitosis because it acts on the pH of the mouth, blocking the proliferation of bacteria. To use it in the right way, melt a teaspoon of bicarbonate in warm water with a pinch of salt and gargle. Repeat until the bad smell of onion has gone away.

4. Lemon

Lemon also helps eliminate the odor of onions from the mouth, thanks to the action of citric acid and its antibacterial properties, which eliminate those components that cause halitosis. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a cup of water, stir and gargle your mouth with this solution for at least 2 times, or until your breath is fresh.

5. Aromatic herbs: parsley and mint


The aromatic herbs that can help to hide the unpleasant smell of onion, are especially fresh parsley and mint, because they purify the breath helping to keep the mouth clean. Just chew one of these herbs for a few minutes to neutralize halitosis. To increase the effect, chew also a few coffee beans, another food that has the function of balancing our breath.

6. Spices: from cloves to cinnamon

Also the spices are allies of our breath, as they help to eliminate onion bad breath: cloves, anise and cardamom seeds and above all cinnamon, which absorb the sulphurous taste of the onion, thanks to the antibacterial action. Keep a few cinnamon sticks in your mouth until the halitosis has disappeared, or boil them and drink them as an infusion.

7. Lettuce


Lettuce is another food that will help us remove the taste of onion, helping to counteract halitosis. You can eat it fresh, after eating foods rich in onion or garlic. For a more effective result, you can prepare an infusion of lettuce leaves: put them in hot water and leave them to rest for 10 minutes. Drink the infusion immediately after meals to get good results.

8. Fruit

Fruit helps yo fight onion halitosis thanks to the properties that cause its oxidation: they fight, in fact, even the bad breath caused by onion and garlic. Among the most effective fruits we must use apples, pears, prunes, apricots, peaches, cherries and grapes. You can also drink a juice of these fruits, if you prefer.

9. Essential oils


To neutralize the bad smell of onion from the mouth, you can also use essential oils, which perform an antibacterial action and refresh the breath. You can add 2-3 drops on a spoon and keep them in your mouth for a few minutes before spitting it. Among the most effective essential oils are coconut, mint, eucalyptus and rosemary oil.

10. Cane sugar

Sugar is also an effective remedy for combating onion bad breath, especially cane sugar: its large grains help eliminate the bacteria that cause halitosis. Put a teaspoon of brown sugar in your mouth and let it act for a few minutes before chewing. Then brush your teeth immediately.

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