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11 foods that make you happy: foods that put us in a good mood

Then let’s find out which foods make us happy and keep us in a good mood.

By Cookist

Are there really foods that make us happy? Let's talk about all those foods that make us feel in a good mood and that improve our general sense of well-being. It is important to remember these foods every day, not only on the occasion of World Happiness Day which is celebrated every year on March 20th. Then let’s find out which foods make us happy and keep us in a good mood.

Are there really foods that make us happy? Let's talk about all those foods that make us feel in a good mood and that improve our general sense of well-being. Among these we find foods that contain Omega 3, tryptophan and those that stimulate the production of serotonin, also known as "happiness hormone". There is therefore a relationship between nutrition and health of the psyche: the foods we eat every day do not only serve to support us and give us energy, but affect our mood by reducing daily stress, both physical and mental. It is important to remember these foods every day, not only on the occasion of World Happiness Day which is celebrated every year on March 20th. Then, let’s find out which foods make us happy and keep us in a good mood.

1. Dark chocolate is rich in tryptophan


Dark chocolate contains prebiotics, it is an antioxidant but, mainly, it is rich in tryptophan which makes it the true food of good humor. Furthermore, chocolate contains psychoactive substances such as endorphins, diphenylantonine, an antidepressant substance, and phenylethylamine, a substance produced by the brain when we fall in love. Obviously it is important not to exaggerate and above all choose 70% dark chocolate to take advantage of all its benefits. Even raw cocoa is rich in antioxidants and substances that promote the release of endorphins from our body.

2. Nuts and seeds are source of Omega 3


The nuts like almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts but also the sunflower, flax, pumpkin and chia seeds are a source of substances that promote good humor. They are above all rich in Omega 3, good fatty acids, also contained in salmon, which have a direct influence on the brain, favoring neuronal connections. Walnuts, in particular, are rich in neuroprotectants such as vitamin E, folate and melatonin, and they also contain a lot of magnesium which favors the raising of serotonin levels. Cashews, on the other hand, are a vegetable source of tryptophan, while almonds contain zinc which keeps the mood stable and iron that reduces mental fatigue.

3. Fermented foods that stimulate the production of serotonin


Unfermented foods such as kefir, miso, sauerkraut, kimic and kombucha, are fermented foods and beverages that contain good bacteria for our digestive system. The health of the intestine is in fact very important for our good humor, as it is here that most of the serotonin is produced. This is why it is important to take these foods that help the bowel function properly.

4.Banana: natural anti-stress remedy


Banana is an energetic fruit that also represents a good source of vitamin B6, antioxidants, probiotics and tryptophan, as well as containing important mineral salts such as potassium, iron and magnesium. The fibers contained in the banana help digestion and regulate blood sugar levels, this brings an improvement to the overall well-being of our body and mind. Eat a banana as a snack to get a natural anti-stress remedy.

5. Eggs: source of B vitamins and vitamin D


Eggs are a very nutritious food: they are rich in vitamin B12 and all the B group vitamins, they also contain Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and zinc, all substances that promote good humor and promote energy and well-being for our body. The important thing is to consume the right amount: from 2 to 4 per week, if you follow a low calorie diet, as the egg is not an excessively caloric food.

6. Yogurt: thanks to calcium it promotes the functioning of the nervous system and good mood


Yogurt, in particular Greek yogurt, is a food rich in calcium, in a higher quantity than milk. Calcium allows the optimal functioning of the nervous system and of good mood: it stimulates the brain so that it produces some neurotransmitters that regulate well-being, helping us to feel better and happier. Yogurt also contains probiotics that improve intestinal health and therefore improve serotonin production levels.

7. Coconut: energy source


Coconut is another food that can contribute to our happiness as it contains the so-called "medium-chain triglycerides": these are fatty acids that mainly have an energetic function for our body. They manage to give the body a higher energy intake than carbohydrates. Coconut also keeps the brain healthy and promotes good mood. You can also eat it in flakes in the cereals we eat in the morning at breakfast, to be more positive and smiling.

8. Spinach and green leafy vegetables rich in vitamin C and magnesium


Spinach and green leafy vegetables promote the well-being of our body, especially if we lack vitamins and minerals. Spinach, in particular, contains a lot of vitamin C and magnesium, essential substances for the transformation of tryptophan and thyroxine into serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters responsible for good humor and happiness. Green leafy vegetables also help prevent diseases related to cellular degeneration, have beneficial skin and wrinkle effects and help us feel lighter and more energetic.

9. Tomatoes: important source of lycopene with antioxidant power


The tomato almost never lacks on our tables: it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium, besides it is an important source of lycopene, a substance with antioxidant power that acts against free radicals harmful to our body. It can fight inflammation and has a protective action for our brain. To make the most of the beneficial qualities of lycopene, consume the tomatoes with extra virgin olive oil which favors their assimilation.

10. Lentils: the legumes of happiness


Lentils can be considered the legumes of happiness: they contain folic acid, a source of protein contained in this important food, in addition to magnesium, a mineral also recommended in the form of supplement for people suffering from mental health problems. The lentils also contain the precious L-tyrosine that stimulates dopamine and therefore it promotes good humor.

11. Blueberries and wild berries that activate positive responses in the brain


Blueberries, wild berries and Acai berries are generally considered "super food", very nutritious foods that enrich our diet with antioxidants and vitamins. In particular, blueberries and Acai berries help the brain to activate positive responses and signs of well-being. They also improve the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, promoting relaxation.

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