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15 Unexpected Things You Can Do to Lose Weight in Your Sleep

Think losing weight is only down to your diet and sufficient exercise? Think again! There are several other factors that play a role (besides age, genetics, and underlying health issues, of course.). According to research, our sleeping habits can influence the way we lose weight. And by making a few tweaks, you too can benefit and lose weight while you sleep!

By Cookist

1. Get naked


Yes, we’re saying you should sleep without your pjs. Sleeping naked has its perks. Not only does it improve blood circulation, but it boosts your body’s ability to burn fat. Because your body is colder, it increases the good fat, while at the same time helps to burn calories. How’s that for a good reason to go au naturel!

2. Switch off


You should turn off the light, and sleep in the dark. Research shows that when we sleep in total darkness, our bodies produces more melatonin. This hormone not only helps you sleep better, but it also helps your metabolism. Your body produces more brown fat, which in turn burns more calories than white fat.

3. Get the shivers


According to science, sleeping in the cold is better for your overall metabolism. This is because slightly cooler temperatures help our bodies to produce more of that brown fat we spoke of earlier. A recent study showed that those who slept in rooms of 66°F (19°C), burned 75 more calories than those individuals who slept in warmer rooms!

4. Stay off social media


Technically, we mean you should stay away from your phone before bedtime. But who doesn’t sneak a few peeks on Facebook or Twitter while they’re in bed? Research says our electronics (like smartphones and tablets) emits blue light which can prevent our bodies to produce melatonin (the sleep hormone). It’s also no surprise that studies suggest television-watching is also linked to high levels of triglycerides, which is associated with diabetes.

5. Switch to green tea


Green tea is well-known for its health benefits, but it can help you lose weight too! It contains an antioxidant called catechin, which helps to break down excess fat, and also boosts the body’s metabolism.  The small amount of caffeine won’t keep you awake, but it does help to stimulate the production of brown fat.

6. Eat tryptophan-rich proteins


Tryptophan is an amino acid known for its sleep-inducing effects. By eating tryptophan-rich proteins such as chicken, fish, turkey, nuts, or eggs will help you improve your quality of sleep. And as we know, deep sleep is good for your metabolism. Proteins are also satisfying, which means you will feel fuller and not be so tempted to have a bedtime snack.

7. Have your carbs for lunch


When you eat complex carbohydrates for lunch, your body produces serotonin. This serotonin is then converted to melatonin (the sleep-hormone) when you sleep at night, which boosts your metabolism and also helps you to reach a deeper sleep. Opt for whole-grain bread or brown rice and add a healthy fat like avocado.

8. Exercise throughout the day


We know what you’re thinking… “I thought this was a way to lose weight in my sleep?!”. But exercising throughout the day boosts your metabolism as a whole, so then you burn calories even when you’re not active at that exact moment. Exercise also helps you sleep better, and by now we know a good night’s sleep equals better weight-loss.

9.  Do yoga


Exercising right before bedtime is not a good idea. It messes with your body clock and you may be so energized that your body won’t be able to shut off for a restful sleep. Instead, do some light yoga. Because yoga movements are focused on breathing and meditation, it can help you relax and also improve your quality of sleep. It also helps you to burn calories at the same time!

10. Leave the booze


Calories in alcohol and calories in food are not the same. Your body is unable to store calories from alcohol, so when you drink, it basically stops the metabolism on other foods and breaks down alcohol calories first. This means the calories from your dinner will be put on the backburner and will be more likely to be stored as fat. Alcohol can also prevent your body from achieving the REM period, a sleeping state necessary for sufficient metabolism.

11. Eat light


When you eat larger meals, your body does a lot of work to break it down. And if you eat these meals right before bed time, it can disrupt your metabolic cycle, but can also lead to other issues such as heartburn or indigestion – definitely not good for sleep! Some research also says that when we eat later at night, our hormones cause the food to be stored as fat, instead of being used as fuel for the body.

12. Try fasting


Intermittent fasting involves a 16-hour fasting period, followed by an 8-hour window where all your meals are eaten. Research shows that those who stick to a regular intermittent fasting diet, were less likely to snack throughout the day and are also more likely to stay lean! So set a strict cut-off time for night-time snack, and tell yourself that no snacking is allowed after that time.

13. Sniff some mint


Scents can influence our body in various ways. But you can use it to lose weight too! Research shows that the smell of peppermint not only suppresses your appetite, it also makes you feel fuller. To get some of these benefits, invest in a peppermint-scented candle or add a few drops of essential oils to your pillow.

14. Make sleep a priority


According to the CDC, 1 in 3 people don’t get enough sleep. This is because of our hectic schedules, stress, and distractions. But if you’re serious about losing weight, you should make bedtime a priority. Getting enough hours of sleep (7-8 hours) can actually help your body burn more fat. In fact, a recent study showed that well-rested folks burned 20% more calories than those who didn’t sleep well.

15. Get cuddly


If you want to lose weight, then according to research, you should have more sex. Not only does it make you sleep better, it’s also great for weight-loss. Apparently, the more you have sex, the better you sleep, and the better you sleep, the more you lose weight. In fact, one 30-minute session between the sheets can burn up to 300 calories!

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