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To lose weight, change the times you eat! A new study that explains how

What do you have to do to lose weight? Here’s the answer: to lose weight you have to eat at certain times.

By Cookist

What do you have to do to lose weight? Here’s the answer: to lose weight you have to eat at certain times. A new research in fact says that changing the time of your daily meals can lead to weight loss. Making small changes to breakfast or dinner times could help reduce body fat.

A pilot study by the English University of Surrey has analyzed the impact of a change in meal times on food intake and body composition, discovering that a "time-limited diet" – an intermittent fasting form – has proved useful for those who want to lose weight.


What does it mean? This means that limiting the number of hours of food availability each day can help stimulate the metabolism. The "limited time" diet would have then healthy benefits.

To find out, the team of researchers studied two groups of individuals for 10 weeks: in the first, people had to delay their breakfast by 90 minutes and dine 90 minutes earlier, while the second group ate in normal hours. Everyone could eat freely, but within a certain period of time.

The results showed that those who changed mealtimes lost more than twice as much body fat as compared to the control group.


According to Andrew Mente, who presented the results at the conference of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in Munich, saturated fat from meat and dairy products could have an “hidden” protective function for the heart. In addition, those who eat more fat probably consume less carbohydrates, many of which are often processed and sugary, and then much more harmful.
"Time-limited nutrition may have benefits, but it may be difficult to meet, so other studies are needed to test the effectiveness and feasibility of different programs," says Susan Carnell, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Johns Hopkins Medicine.


The secret to keep fit? For us, it is always a varied diet that favors unprocessed foods. "Eating well means looking at one's diet as a whole, rather than focusing on the individual elements" and if for some people meat and dairy products contribute to a healthy and balanced diet, they should be consumed in moderation along with lots of fruit and vegetables, legumes and whole cereals.

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