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6 ways you can use mint leaves for healthy skin

Here are 6 ways in which consuming mint leaves regularly can improve our skin health and get rid of various kinds of skin problems.

By Cookist

Read on to know how consuming mint leaves can improve skin health.

Mint leaves are quite an aromatic herb that can be used to flavor so many dishes. This fragrant herb has a mildly sweet flavor and offers antioxidant property that can improve our health while we feast onto some yummy food and beverage preparations containing mint leaves.

Here are 6 ways in which consuming mint leaves regularly can improve our skin health and get rid of various kinds of skin problems.

Against breakouts. Mint leaves offer antibacterial property and it also contains salicylic acid, which prevents and treats the skin breakouts. It also has a high concentration of vitamin A that can control the excessive secretion of oil from the skin, which reduces the chances of developing pimples and acne. You can apply few crushed mint leaves with honey and rose water on your face for 15 minutes to experience the difference.


For healthy glow. Mint leaves can tighten the skin pores and lock moisture in it to hydrate the skin well and make it smooth, soft, and glowing. It has plenty of antioxidants that can also help to rejuvenate the skin and slow down the appearance of signs of aging. A mixture of banana with a few mint leaves when applied on the face is beneficial to achieve this.


For complexion. Mint leaves help to repair and relax the skin, which eventually helps to brighten the skin tone. Apply a paste of mint leaves with some cucumber and honey for 20 minutes to moisturize and brighten your skin.


Remove blackheads. Excessive accumulation of oil and dirt may clog the skin pores and result in the formation of blackheads. Mint can help to unclog these pores and get rid of the stubborn blackheads and then tighten them up again to prevent them from returning. Make a scrub of oats, mints leaves, honey, and milk and scrub your face with it to get rid of blackheads.


Remove dark circles. Crush some mint leaves with cucumber juice and apply it under the eyes for 15 minutes to get rid of dark circles.


Against acne scars. The salicylic acid present in mint helps in the growth and repair of skin cells. Apply some crushed mint leaves directly on the face to get rid of the acne scars.

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