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Bay leaves: 8 benefits for the skin and hair

Bay leaves are commonly used in cooking as an aromatic herb, in fact they are excellent natural remedies that are useful not only to treat some health problems but also to take care of skin and hair. Then let’s discover all the "tangible" benefits that can be offered by the bay leaves used in the form of infusion, oleolite or essential oil.

By Cookist

Bay leaves are commonly used in cooking as an aromatic herb, in fact they are excellent natural remedies that are useful not only to treat some health problems but also to take care of skin and hair.

Then let’s discover all the "tangible" benefits that can be offered by the bay leaves used in the form of infusion, oleolite or essential oil.

1. Dry and stressed skin
The active ingredients contained in the bay leaves help dry and stressed skin avoiding the appearance of wrinkles. For example, you can use the infusion made with this plant to make a kind of homemade face cleaning. You should boil 5 dried bay leaves with 2 cups of water for a few minutes then pour the infusion into a large bowl and cover the head with a towel. In this way the beneficial aromas of the bay will not only be inhaled but they will also be absorbed by the skin.


2. Small wounds and inflammation of the skin
Thanks to the healing and anti-inflammatory properties of the bay leaves, these can also be used to heal small wounds or cuts (among other things, the bay is also disinfectant) or in the treatment of some skin problems such as redness, irritation, urticaria , insect bites, etc.


3. Acne
The bay oil if wisely used can also be useful in treating acne given its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial power but also thanks to its balancing effect on the production of sebum. For this purpose it should be used in very small doses and always diluted in carrier oil.


4. Relaxation
A relaxing bath, not only for the mind but also for the body and the skin, can be made using bay leaves with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fatigue properties on muscles and joints. Finely crush 10/20 bay leaves by reducing them to powder and mix in the water of the bath where you will be immersed for at least 20 minutes.


5. Straight hair
Bay can also be used to get straight and silky hair. Just boil a few leaves in water for about 20 minutes, filter, let cool and then use to make a compress on the hair before using the shampoo.


6. Dandruff and hair loss
A final rinse based on bay leaves infusion can be an effective treatment of dandruff. Bay tea is also considered a good remedy to curb hair loss as it improves scalp health by stimulating re-growth. Also in this case it must be used consistently after washing your hair as usual.


7. To make hair shine
An infusion of bay leaves can be used to further darken and give brown glares to your hair. Just apply it every time you wash your hair leaving it in place for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing.


8. Treatment of lice
You can experience the potential of bay leaves also in the treatment of lice. In this case it is necessary to boil about 50 grams of chopped bay leaves in 400 ml of water until it is reduced to about 100 ml. Then filter and apply the infusion from the roots to the ends of the hair, leave it to act about 3 hours before rinsing.

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