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7 digesting sins that may alter your digestive health

Digestive tract consists of several parts where the most essential process of our survival occurs.

By Cookist

We all are familiar with the bloated, constipated, and rumbly tummy. Most often, we credit the food we eat for all this but, sometimes we are at fault as well. Here are the 7 sins that we must forbid from now on.

Digestive tract consists of several parts where the most essential process of our survival occurs. It is important that all components of the digestive tract work in harmony and in correct condition to ensure adequate digestion of the food we eat. Read on to know about the 7 deadly sins that can badly affect our digestive tract.

Over eating. Consistently over eating can affect our digestive tract as our body cannot produce enough acid and enzymes to cope up with persistent bulk of the food. Large portions also put pressure on the muscles and when the pressure is too high, an increased production of acid occurs that can lead to heart burn. So, you must try to eat food until you are 80% full.


Not chewing the food properly. Improper chewing of food can lead to bloating because it is otherwise easier for the food to be digested when it is broken down in to small particles. If the food is not chewed properly the digestive tract has to work harder right from the beginning, which can lead to acidic reflux, flatulence, bloating, and cramping. So, you must try to chew each mouthful at least 30 times.


Fiber intake. Adequate fiber intake in the diet prevents constipation, particularly when intake of soluble fiber is met as recommended. Presence of soluble fiber also acts as a prebiotic by encouraging the growth of friendly bacteria. However, you must also not consume excessive amounts of this good nutrient, which will otherwise lead to incomplete absorption of nutrients.


Anxiety. Anxiety or stress can lead to a myriad of health problems and create havoc in the gut. Neurotransmitters regulate and stimulate digestive processes, which can cause an imbalance during the times of anxiety and stress.


Lack of physical activity. Exercising stimulates the digestive tract and encourages a healthy gut, which may relieve bloating, constipation, and symptoms of IBS.


Antibiotics. Antibiotics are beneficial against bacterial infections but they can also lower the population of gut friendly bacteria and lead to poor absorption of nutrients, cramping, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.


Peptic ulcers. This infection caused by the bacteria H.pylori weakens the stomach lining and leads to burping, vomiting, and nausea. So, if you are ever diagnosed with peptic ulcers then you must first get treated for the same.

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