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7 most effective natural remedies to clean glass bottles

Let's find out together the most effective natural remedies to eliminate grease, wine residues and more!

By Cookist

Do you know how to clean glass bottles? Let's find out together the most effective natural remedies to eliminate grease, wine residues and more!

How to clean glass bottles with the most effective natural remedies

Not all glass bottles can be cleaned and washed in the same way, much depends on the liquid or food they contain but also on any stains or residues left on the bottom that must be carefully removed. Among the most used natural remedies we can find vinegar, bicarbonate, lemon but also salt, rice, sand or crushed egg shell which, thanks to their abrasive action, help to remove even the most difficult residues. To dry the glass bottles, place them upside down on a horizontal surface resting them on a clean and dry cotton cloth. Here's how to get perfectly clean bottles.


To clean glass bottles you can use vinegar and bicarbonate to degrease and eliminate unpleasant odors

Pour a little vinegar and water inside the bottle, cork it and shake well: if you think it is necessary, repeat the operation maybe also adding a little lemon juice. For an even better result, let the mixture work in the bottle for the whole night, then shake it again, rinse well and put the bottles to dry. A wash with water and vinegar is also recommended for washing new bottles. Bicarbonate and vinegar are the most effective remedies to eliminate the bad smell from glass bottles, moreover the vinegar also performs a very effective degreasing action even in case of grease, therefore it is very good for cleaning bottles that contained oil.

To clean glass bottles you can use vinegar, lemon and rice against wine residues

Place water, vinegar, lemon juice and a handful of uncooked rice inside the bottle and stir well: lemon and vinegar will remove unpleasant odors while the rice will remove the stains left by the wine. Let the mixture work all night, but remove the rice. If the smell still exists, repeat the operation again, rinse and dry the bottles. In case of stubborn wine stains, use the potato peelings: chop them, place them inside the glass bottles with water and shake well.


To clean glass bottles you can use egg shells or sand to remove stains

Excellent natural remedies to remove stains from the bottom and the walls of the bottles are the egg shells and the sand that perform an abrasive action. The sand can be inserted both with and without water: during the operation you can also use some brushes to wash the bottles, but be careful not to break them.

To clean glass bottles you can use coarse salt, raw rice and vinegar to remove limescale (one liter bottles)

Pour 750 ml of warm water, a handful of coarse salt and one of raw rice and add a glass of vinegar. First wash the bottle under running water to remove dust and some limescale residues, then add the lukewarm water and then the rest of the ingredients: shake the bottle well for a minute and then let it work for two hours. After, rinse the bottle with lukewarm water and let it dry.


To clean glass bottles you can use bicarbonate, vinegar and dish soap against oil residues

First, pour into the bottle 4 tablespoons of bicarbonate and let it act for a few seconds, then add 2 tablespoons of dish soap, half a glass of vinegar and half a glass of hot water. Cork the bottle and shake it for about 30 seconds, then pour another half glass of hot water and continue to shake. Once completed the operation, empty the bottle and wash it very well with hot water. Your glass bottles soiled with oil will be clean again.

Shock treatment for difficult dirt

In case of stubborn dirt, when you need to eliminate old oil or other residues that have remained for a long time inside the bottle, you need a sort of pre-wash or shock treatment: before doing it, wear gloves to protect your hands. Place in the bottle some sawdust, a bit of soda, a handful of bran and one of sand and some absorbent paper, then add hot water for half the bottle. Close and stir well, then, once cleaned with this mixture, rinse the bottle under running water and let it dry well.


Distilled water and heat to sterilize

Especially glass bottles for water need to be sterilized: to do this, use distilled water, which does not leave limescale and impurities, and put the bottle near a heat source until the water reaches boiling. In this way the dirt will be eliminated and the bottle will be sterilized. Now close the bottle and take it with a cloth or pot holders, shake it and then empty it. Then let the bottle dry for a day.

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