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8 fermented foods that improve digestion and help deflate the stomach

But let's find out more about these valuable and beneficial foods.

By Cookist

Fermented foods, like drinks, improve the health of the digestive system, promote digestion and deflate the stomach, thanks to probiotics and more. But let's find out more about these valuable and beneficial foods.

Fermented foods are traditionally consumed in eastern countries and have been the basis of traditional nutrition for many populations in different parts of the world. Fermented foods and beverages improve digestion, help the metabolism and strengthen the immune system. We are talking about foods rich in "good bacteria", present above all in our intestines, and which also help us to deflate the stomach. But let's see what are the fermented foods that we need to include in our diet to facilitate digestion and have a healthier organism.

What is fermentation and why it is good for the body


Fermentation is an ancient food preservation technique which, in addition to preserving food for a long time and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria, also guaranteed health benefits. Fermentation is the process of converting carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide and then into fatty acids, thanks to the action of bacteria and yeasts, in oxygen-free conditions (anaerobic). The live microorganisms present in fermented foods guarantee the well-being of the digestive system and keep the bacterial flora in balance.

Fermented foods that helps digestion

Fermented foods, in addition to being excellent for their pleasant acidity in taste, provide the body with precious elements for the intestine, such as lactic ferments, and are also rich in enzymes and vitamins B and C which provide an antioxidant, purifying and digestive action. Here are the fermented foods that cannot be missing from our diet to facilitate digestion.

1. Yogurt rich in lactic ferments


Among the fermented foods par excellence, we find yogurt that is prepared with cow's milk or, in its vegetable version, with soy milk, an excellent alternative for vegetarians, vegans or for those who are lactose intolerant. Yogurt contains lactic ferments and probiotics that help digestion and protect the stomach and intestines even in cases of colitis and gastrointestinal problems, and they also deflate the stomach.

2. Miso, the fermented seasoning for broths and soups

Miso is a condiment widely used in China and Japan. We are talking about a very ancient product based on cereals, soy and whole sea salt. It is a brown-colored pasta with a pleasant taste that can also be used to replace the vegetable stock cube for the preparation of broths, soups but also risottos. Miso helps improve intestinal functions and strengthen the immune system.


3. Kombucha tea, a natural probiotic

Kombucha tea can be green or black and it has a particular and spicy taste: a fermented beverage considered by many to be an elixir of long life. In addition to improving digestion, kombucha tea helps the stomach and spleen to perform their functions, and it also functions as a natural probiotic helping the intestine and it is considered an excellent beverage for those suffering from kidney stones. You can buy kombucha tea in organic shops or online and try it also in herbal or fruit flavored versions.

4. Tempeh, the fermented soy based food


Tempeh is a fermented food with Indonesian origins: it is based on soybeans and it is rich in isoflavones and proteins that protect the heart and bones. Tempeh is also a good source of probiotics that improve digestion and it is also rich in essential amino acids. The tempeh is obtained from the fermentation of cooked soybeans, to which are added the Rhizopus Oligosporus mushroom and the vinegar. It tastes like hazelnut and it can be consumed steamed or stewed but also as a condiment.

5. Sauerkraut, fermented vegetables from Northern Europe

Sauerkraut is an excellent alternative for a side dish based on fermented vegetables. They are widely consumed in Germany and Austria and in general in the countries of Northern Europe. Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins and mineral salts, it promotes digestion and it is good for the intestinal flora, thanks to its probiotic content.


6. Kefir, the healthy and refreshing fermented beverage

Kefir is a fermented beverage originating from Caucasus that is obtained starting from milk, cow’s or soy one, but also from water, thanks to special granules that allow fermentation. It is a very healthy drink with a sweet but slightly acidic taste: it is rich in probiotics and lactic ferments that protect the intestine, guaranteeing its proper functioning, and facilitate digestion. Kefir is also rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamins useful for strengthening the immune system and preventing atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

7. Bread with sourdough for natural fermentation


The sourdough is a yeast that is obtained through natural fermentation and it has two main ingredients: water and flour. Replacing the normal brewer's yeast with sourdough allows you to prepare more digestible bread, pizzas and focaccias at home. A really precious fermented food to use for the preparation of long leavening doughs.

8. Rejuvelac, the fermented drink based on wheat

Rejuvelac is a drink made from wheat or other fermented cereals that provides a restorative and regenerative effect on the body, it also strengthens the immune system, it improves digestion and it protects against inflammation. It is usually prepared using ingredients such as oats, barley, rye, quinoa, rice and millet and it has a taste that vaguely resembles that one of lemonade.

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