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8 Foods You Can Eat For Good Luck In The New Year

Eating is one of the best ways to usher in a new year, and many people believe this. What many others don’t know is that there are some foods that are guaranteed to bring you good luck if they are eaten on new year’s eve or new year’s day. In this article, we explore the topic, so be sure to read till the end.

By Cookist

Instead of mindlessly eating just any food on new year’s eve or new year’s day, we think that it will do you more good to consume foods that will bestow you with good luck and prosperity for the next 365 days.

Below are some foods that you can eat that are guaranteed to do this for you in the new year.


Pomegranate seeds are linked to fertility and life, so eating some of these fruits on new year’s eve may just be what you need, especially if you are looking to have kids. The Greeks used to put a pomegranate outside their homes and would then smash it on new year’s day. They believed that the more seeds were scattered during the smash, the luckier they would be in the new year. The Turkish also have a similar culture. They would stock up on the fruits while attempting to start a family or expand it.


Black-eyed peas

These can be prepared by simmering them in a stew with ham hock and collard greens. The dish is known as Hoppin’ John or Carolina peas and rice and is a traditional one consumed on new year’s day in the south. Black-eyed peas are associated with luck, but some think they represent coins that encourage wealth.

Leafy greens

Consuming a kale salad is not just great for your health; it also symbolizes wealth. Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce have the same color and crispness as the fresh dollar bill, so they are considered lucky food when seeking monetary profitability in the new year. One of the sayings in the South reads, “peas for pennies, greens for dollars, and cornbread for gold.”



In many southern states in the US, people believe cornbread is lucky because of its golden brown color. They say this snack is likely to bring any who eat it gold and wealth in the upcoming year.


People consume all sorts of noodles in Asia to celebrate the new year because they believe it symbolizes longevity. Japanese people eat Toshi Koshi soba which is a meal composed of buckwheat noodles served in a steaming broth of daishi, soy sauce, and mirin on New Year’s Eve. They believe that it is a healthy and simple way to start the new year fresh. The Chinese also have a similar culture, they eat yi mein noodles, which are chewy and brightly yellow eggs and are believed to encourage long life.



People in Spain and Mexico have a tradition of eating 12 grapes at exactly 12 A.M representing the 12 months within a calendar year. They believe that the luck you’ll enjoy for each month of that year is dependent on how delicious the grapes are. If the grapes are tart, then you may expect a rough month.


Many people do not need an excuse to consume cake, so this just seems like a bonus. Round cakes especially are considered as lucky food because of their shape, which is reminiscent of coins that provide wealth in the new year.  The Greeks usually gathered their friends and family around for vasilopita, an orange cake with a coin baked inside. Anyone who gets the cake with the coin in it is believed to get extra luck for the year.



Pork is believed to be great for anyone who wants to advance in the new year. Pork comes from pigs that are believed to be emblems of progress. The tradition is observed in many continents but not just because of the progress they believe it will bring. Its fattiness is also linked to luxury and wealth, so grabbing some for the new year is a great choice.

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