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8 ill effects of consuming too much tea

Read on to know about the possible ill effects associated with excess consumption of tea.

By Cookist

Tea is a special beverage that is loved by many. Available in various varieties, a cup of hot and soothing tea gives a feeling of instant satisfaction. Not just that, tea is also enjoyed for the numerous health benefits it offers, such as it helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, obesity, and heart problems. But, this doesn’t mean that we have the liberty to have endless servings of this refreshing beverage. Exceeding tea intake to more than three to four cups in a day may trigger specific adverse effects. Read on to know about the possible ill effects associated with excess consumption of tea.

Available in many varieties, tea is a refreshing beverage that helps to calm our senses. Sipping this beverage, hot or cold, may seem to be the best way to bond with friends or have a leisurely ‘me time.’ Traditionally, tea has been used for its various medicinal benefits, but it is best to consume it in moderation. Consumption of an unlimites quantity of tea (more than three to four cups of 700ml or more tea) is associated with many side effects. Here is how too much tea can affect your body.

It affects iron absorption

Tea is loaded with tannins, which binds to the iron molecules present in food and makes this essential mineral unavailable for absorption by the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in those who eat a restricted vegan or vegetarian diet.


Increases anxiety

Overconsumption of caffeine, present in tea leaves, may trigger stress, anxiety, and restlessness. It has been found that black tea contains more caffeine compared to the white and green varieties of tea. Steeping the tea for a long duration also increases the strength of caffeine.

It negatively impacts sleep

Excessive consumption of caffeine disturbs the sleep cycle by inhibiting the production of melatonin, which signals the brain to rest. And, we all are well aware of the terrible side effects of sleep deprivation.


Results in nausea

Tannin-rich foods, such as tea, can irritate digestive tissues because of its astringent nature. This can result in nausea and stomach ache.

Aggravate heartburn

Consuming too much caffeine is associated with heartburn and aggravated symptoms of acid reflux due to increased production of stomach acid.


Impacts pregnancy

Drinking too much caffeine during pregnancy may increase susceptibility for miscarriage and low infant birth weight. Herbal teas can also trigger premature labor because of the high content of licorice and black cohosh in it.

Triggers headache and dizziness

Regularly consuming excessive intake of caffeinated products can trigger chronic headaches. Similarly, large doses of caffeine, higher than 400-500mg from typically six to twelve cups of tea, can cause dizziness.


Caffeine addiction

Caffeine is a stimulant that is pretty easy to get addicted to. Regularly consuming too much tea can give caffeine rush and results in caffeine dependence.

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