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89-Year-Old Woman Makes Pies For The Elderly And Vulnerable During Pandemic

Flo Osborne touts common beliefs about age as she works hard to make delicious pies — right from scratch! — for the elderly and vulnerable population during the coronavirus pandemic.

By Cookist

Fonte foto: North Essex Support Team

Flo Osborne touts common beliefs about age as she works hard to make delicious pies — right from scratch! — for the elderly and vulnerable population during the coronavirus pandemic. Her selfless act, which is no mean feat, considering her age, has not gone unnoticed and is now widely celebrated worldwide.

Flo Osborne, 89, has made well over 100 pies for the vulnerable population, i.e., the elderly and people with health issues that may be more susceptible to the coronavirus.

Most amazingly, Osborne has been making the savory and sweet pies from scratch in her tiny kitchen in Dovercourt for the North Essex Support Team (Nest).

Nest said the pies were distributed among the vulnerable and elderly in the Harwich area as part of its hot meals service.

Via Facebook, Les Nicoll, from the charity, wrote:

"Every pie is made from scratch, the pastry mixed and rolled, the fruit prepared and then cooked in her tiny oven. This is I believe a remarkable act of community kindness, also a huge victory over age and supposed infirmity."

Osborne reportedly would make about six large pies that could feed some 50 people on an average day. So, it is indeed no wonder that her charitable act, which is now widely labeled an "act of community kindness," has garnered attention on social media. It was only recently posted on Facebook, but it has already been shared more than 48,000 times!

Osborne has not only made her community proud, her son, Graham, continuously beams with pride over her remarkable contributions during these uncertain times.

He said:

"I've been brought up on her pies. To watch her make them is unreal, she sticks in lard, marg, flour in bowls, mixes it all up, cold water, bangs it out and they're done and they're perfect."

Indeed, Osborne's charity is exemplary and must be emulated. In whatever little way you can, extend the hands of help to your neighbors. Remember, it really takes just a little to show you care.

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