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A blogger’s account on how she survived on only pasta for a week

This blogger has always associated food with celebration and community and not anxiety and calories. In the past, she has had some experience with eating disorders and is eating a fuller meal ever since then.

By Cookist

Read on to know what happens when someone ate only pasta for an entire week!

Here is an account of a blogger who tried to break the norms by eating an unconventional meal for an entire week. Instead of eating the supposedly healthy food, she ate only pasta for an entire week and shared with us its effect on her body.

This blogger has always associated food with celebration and community and not anxiety and calories. In the past, she has had some experience with eating disorders and is eating a fuller meal ever since then.

With the year coming to an end, she saw most of her friends and acquaintances turn to gluten free, low calorie, low carb, and detox meals to lose weight. She thought to ride with the tide and take up a little different path on the elimination diet. As she recently bought a pasta maker, she thought of following an all pasta diet for an entire week.


As the “cleansing” rule, she said no to zoodles, alcohol, coffee, and calorie counting. She knew that scurvy will not bother her within a week’s time as she preferred to eat a typical American bowl of pasta for 7 days. However, she continued to work out on her regular schedule for 3 to 4 times a week while enjoying pasta for all 3 meals of the day.

Initially, it was difficult for her to tackle the coffee addiction as she was soon experiencing the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. While all went well on day one, she experienced slight memory loss and headache because of the absence of caffeine. On day two, she ran for about 60 minutes and continued with the pasta eating routine. On the third day again, she continued to fight the irritable mood swings until she had 3 cups of coffee in the morning to fight her blues. The fourth and fifth day also went off smoothly with a decent dose of exercise and chugging on to gallons of water. By day six, she noticed a nice glow on her face, the source of which was still not very clear to her. By day seven, she was badly craving for salad or anything leafy!


After surviving on only pasta for a week, she reported that she lost some weight. May be it was because of not having alcohol or not snacking during this week, she did lose 5 pounds during this pasta eating week. However, this all pasta diet may not work for every one as the effect of carbs also depend on how your body processes the food, age, and health status.

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