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A Simple Guide On How To Best Determine The Freshness Of Sushi

Is sushi your favorite go-to meal? If yes, can you recognize the freshest sushi on the shelf when shopping? If that's a no, then you want to know the simple tricks that help you to quickly identify the bad and the good when it comes to shopping for sushi. Read on for a detailed explanation of the telltale signs of fresh sushi as well as the deceptive ones you should ignore.

By Cookist

Fishes that can be eaten raw require more care and proper storage. This is not only to prevent them from going bad or posing any danger to human health but to ensure that buyers get the optimum quality of freshness.

There is really no better way to enjoy sushi than fresh and with salads or dips! So, whether you are a professional cook or not, it is crucial that you know the physical signs of fresh fish to afford and whoever you cook for the optimum enjoyment.

Here are the four vital signs:

1. Physical Appearance 


First and foremost, how does the fish look? While at the grocery store, it is safe to nitpick all you want when you're buying a commodity like sushi!

So, take a few minutes to look at the flesh of the fish. If it's fresh, it should look shiny, translucent, should have no browning at its edges, and most especially be without any milky slime.

Furthermore, experts advise that when buying sushi, you should not be deceived by the pinkness of its flesh. While this may indeed indicate freshness, it can be misleading as a common practice in the industry is to gas tuna with carbon monoxide to make it look pink!

2. Smell


This is an effortless way to tell if sushi has started decaying. Once the smell is an unpleasant one, it is a big NO as that is the signature sign of microbial activity, which deems it unsafe for eating – it is raw at that too!

Similarly, experts advise that when you are eating out at a sushi restaurant, pay attention to the smells of the shop. A good smell indicates that the workers care about the quality and safety of their food.

Tip: If the fish is pre-packaged, check the expiration date!

3. Texture


Feeling the texture of the sushi's skin can tell a lot. If the fish is fresh, it should be firm to the touch and spring back at a press. Never forget to do this before paying for your sushi at the grocery store!

4. Taste


Last but not least is the taste. Tasting the fish means you have certified it safe for eating after checking all of the signs previously discussed.

If you do eat the fish and it tastes "funny," you'd best not swallow! Eating4 spoilt sushi is one of the quickest routes to food poisoning, so maybe you should take small bites first – teehee!

In conclusion, don't let fears of the sushi being spoilt stop you from satisfying your craving – all that is required is a careful assessment and the proper know-how!

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