
Air Fryer Bacon and Egg Toast: the Recipe for a Quick, Delicious Breakfast Ready in a Few Minutes!

Total time: 13 mins.
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2 people
By Cookist

Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast is a quick and nutritious breakfast, also ideal for a brunch as a savory course. A very simple recipe with light cooking: to make them, in fact, the bread slices will be stuffed with eggs and bacon directly in the air fryer basket and cooked in just 8 minutes, so they will be immediately ready to taste. Obviously you can make a classic ham and cheese toast in the same way, according to your tastes.

What is Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast?

This classic combination of bacon, eggs, and toast emerged in the early 20th century, back to the 1920s and 1930s, spurred by effective marketing campaigns from bacon producers. These campaigns highlighted bacon and eggs as wholesome and substantial, making them an integral part of the morning meal. Toast, with its simplicity and versatility, became the perfect companion to this duo, creating a breakfast that was easy to prepare and enjoy. In Japan, a similar breakfast might include rice instead of toast, while in Australia, avocado is often added to the mix.

This air fryer recipe is perfect for those who have little time in the morning. The preparation is straightforward, and the cooking time is short, making it an efficient breakfast option. Additionally, using an air fryer helps reduce the need for added oils, making this version healthier compared to traditional frying methods.

Tips to Get the Best Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast

  • Remember to pre-heat the air fryer for about 3-5 minutes, to ensure that your toast cooks up nicely and gets crispy.
  • Opt for thicker slices of bread, such as sourdough or Texas toast: these will hold the eggs and bacon and prevent the bread from getting too soggy.
  • The circle made with the bacon needn't have large gaps, to prevent the egg from leaking out during cooking time.
  • To help keep the egg in place, additionally, you can also create a small well in the bread before pouring down the egg.
  • Remember to keep an eye on the toast while it's cooking in the air fryer, as models vary and their temperatures and cooking times may differ.
  • Avoid overcrowding the air fryer, because air needs to circulate to make sure that each toast gets cooked evenly.

Is it Best to Put Foil When Cooking These Toasts in the Air Fryer?

No! Using foil under the toast as it's cooking is not recommended, as it could obstruct air circulation and prevent even cooking. It's better to place the toast directly on the air fryer's basket.

More Toast Recipes For Your Breakfasts

French Toast Rolls

Homemade McToast

Frittata Toast

How to Store Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast

Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast can be stored in an airtight container, wrapped in foil, inside of the refrigerator for up to 2 days. You can also freeze the wrapped toast for up to 1 month. Reheat them in the air fryer before serving them.


2 slices
6 slices
Parsley (optional)
to taste

How to Prepare Air Fryer Bacon and Eggs Toast

Place the slices of bacon in a circle on the slices of bread and place the two slices of bread in the air fryer basket.

Pour an egg into the hole made with the bacon for each toast, close the air fryer basket and cook for 356°F (180°C) for 8 minutes.

Season the toasts with chopped parsley.


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