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Baking 101: A Step-by-step Guide On How to Grease A Cake Pan

Baking a cake is all fun and great; however, it is a delicate art that requires perfect preparation to avoid mistakes that will make it come out terribly. One of the important things to do is prepare a cake pan, and since it is a murky topic for many, we decided to shed more light on it. Keep reading.

By Cookist

Baking is one of humankind's favorite pastimes, and everyone loves baked products, especially cakes. The process of making one is not difficult, but experts believe good preparation is the key to having a perfect cake.

All the steps involved are important, but there is one simple task that can ruin everything, and that is preparing your cake pan.

If the pan isn't properly greased and lined, that cake will stick to it. It is a saddening experience that can ruin a good cake when you turn the pan over and watch in horror as only half drops out while the rest stays stuck.

Below are some tips on how to properly grease a cake pan.

Things you'll need: 

  • Cake pan (check your recipe for the proper size and type)
  • Butter, cooking spray, or a cooking spray with flour in it.
  • Flour
  • Parchment paper

First step: Grease your pan


You can use parchment paper or a paper towel. Smear lots of grease over all the nooks and crannies of the pan. You can also use a spray but make sure you get every inch of the pan covered.

Second step: Flour the pan


The flour you put in will stick to the grease and will add an extra layer of protection between the pan and cake. Take a full spoon of flour and hold it above the pan. Shake your wrists to spread the flour all over the pan and if it doesn't completely disperse, tilt the pan back and forth while hitting the bottom or sides to shake up the flour and make them spread to the less touched areas. Once you're satisfied, turn the pan over and give it a smart rap on the bottom to get rid of excess flour.

Third step: Line the pan


This is extra insurance that your cake doesn't stick. Get parchment paper that will fit your pan, and if you can't, make one with a pair of sharp scissors. The lining goes to the base of the pan and makes sure things remain just the way you want them.

Fourth step: Grease (and flour) the lining

To grease and flour, the lining is another important step that many overlook. Repeat steps one and two to pull it off perfectly.

After carrying out the above mentioned steps, your cake is guaranteed to come out fine, and you won't lose any crust to the pan, so all that is left to do is enjoy your masterpiece.

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