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Cancer, heart attack and diabetes: fiber and whole grains reduce the risk

But let's see the details of this discovery together.

By Cookist

A study commissioned by the World Health Organization shows that fiber and whole grains drastically reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack and type 2 diabetes. The research, published in the prestigious journal The Lancet, reveals in detail the ideal quantities of these foods to gain health benefits.

People who eat more fiber and whole grains are less likely to develop diseases like cancer, heart attack and diabetes, this is what the study called "Carbohydrate quality and human health: a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses" says (published in The Lancet). But let's see the details of this discovery together.


The power of fibers and whole grains. The experts analyzed data from 185 observational studies involving 135 million people and 58 clinical trials involving 4635 adults and focused on premature deaths caused by heart problems, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and cancer associated with obesity (breast, endometrium, esophagus, prostate). It emerged from the information gathered that:


every 8 grams of fibers eaten every day, the number of premature deaths for the aforementioned diseases was reduced from 5% to 27%. The experts therefore say that consuming between 25 and 29 grams of fiber and whole grains a day is indicated to protect ourselves from these diseases but in general, they explain, "the data suggest that a higher intake of dietary fiber could provide even greater protection”. In short, the more the better. every 15 grams of whole grains eaten every day, the risk of death for the aforementioned diseases was reduced from 13 to 33%. In general, whole grains help you lose weight and are rich in fiber, which further explains the beneficial effects.


Conclusions. "The health benefits of fibers are backed by over 100 years of research on chemistry, physical properties, physiology and metabolism effects. Fiber-rich foods that require chewing and retain much of their structure in the intestine increase satiety and help weight control and can favorably affect lipid and glucose levels. “The breakage of the fibers in the large intestine by the resident bacteria has further wide-ranging effects, including protection against colorectal cancer", concludes Professor Jim Mann, head of the study commissioned by the World Health Organization.

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