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Cloves: 8 natural remedies for health problems

Cloves are excellent natural remedies in different situations. Given their many properties, they are useful for the treatment of disorders of the oral cavity (primarily toothache), indigestion or stomach ache, halitosis and much more.

By Cookist

Cloves are excellent natural remedies in different situations. Given their many properties, they are useful for the treatment of disorders of the oral cavity (primarily toothache), indigestion or stomach ache, halitosis and much more.

Here's how to use cloves for some health problems:

● To keep blood sugar at bay: you can add a pinch of clove powder to foods to take advantage of its beneficial effect on blood sugar.


● To promote digestion and counteract the acidity: you can gently chew a clove when needed. In this way there will be a slow release of its essential oils that help the salivary glands in the production of saliva and consequently improve the digestive process and counteract the acidity.


● Against high cholesterol: you can add a teaspoon of clove powder to your food or chew one whole after each meal. Alternatively you can mix a little powder with warm water and eat it every morning on an empty stomach.


● Toothache or gingivitis: apply one or two drops of clove essential oil diluted in sweet almond oil for food use by gently massaging or chewing directly a clove for immediate pain relief.


● Halitosis: in this case it is best to chew a clove or make a mouthwash able to fight bad breath.


● Against joint pain: you can take some cloves, heat them a little in the pan and then wrap them in a soft cloth to be applied to the painful areas still warm (not boiling). The same cloves can not be re-used twice because once they are heated they lose their properties quickly. Another system is to add a few drops of clove essential oil to the bath water and then immerse yourself to relieve the pain.


● Against sore throat and cough: take a clove, add it to a tablespoon of honey and let it rest for a few hours before removing it and slowly melting the honey in your mouth.


● Against stress: after a long tiring day, try adding a few drops of clove oil to the bath water to promote relaxation of muscles, body and mind.

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