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Colitis or irritable bowel syndrome: what to eat and what to avoid to fight it

What to eat and what to avoid in case of colitis? What are the causes and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and how can we fight it at the dinner table? Let's find out together.


Colitis is a disorder due to inflammation of a part of the large intestine; a disease that affects about 15% of the world population, especially women, and which can manifest itself in a more or less severe form.

The colon is the portion of the intestine in charge of collecting digestion residues, absorbing nutrients and stimulating the production of feces; to succeed in these operations, our body needs the bacterial flora, necessary for the fermentation of proteins and fibers contained in food. The lack of bacterial flora can lead to difficulties in the breakdown of food and therefore inflammation of the colon. What are the causes? Irritable bowel syndrome can result from poor nutrition, a poorly varied and low-fiber diet, a sedentary lifestyle, stress and, in some rarer cases, food intolerances and allergies.


There are several symptoms of colitis, also known as "irritable bowel syndrome": intestinal discomfort, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain and swelling, constipation or diarrhea. Colitis, unlike other intestinal pathologies such as the more severe ulcerative colitis, is an episodic disorder and, as such, can be addressed through a better lifestyle, a varied and balanced diet and a careful choice of foods that we bring to our tables. What should we avoid in case of colitis? What foods should never be missing in our pantries? Here is a complete list, with some tips for fighting colitis at the table.

Colitis, what to eat


Before knowing the foods recommended in case of colitis, it is good to point out that every organism is different and has its own sensitivity; the perfect "diet" for colitis does not exist and it is therefore advisable to make small attempts to really understand which foods to consume and which ones to avoid. In general, to fight colitis at the table, it is good to consume both cooked and raw seasonal fruit and vegetables, in particular boiled potatoes and carrots. Or also lean meat and fish including chicken, turkey, sole, hake and cuttlefish (better if cooked on the grill or steamed) and fermented foods, a good source of lactic ferments, important for restoring the balance of the intestine, such as yogurt or kefir. About the fibers; whole grains are rich in it but, if you suffer from colitis, don't overdo it, in fact the fibers are particularly useful in case of constipation, much less in case of diarrhea. In a correct diet, especially if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, it is essential to drink plenty of water, consume fruit if possible between meals, chew and eat slowly and avoid too cold or too hot drinks.

Colitis, what to avoid


The perfect diet for colitis does not exist but undoubtedly some foods can really worsen the symptoms of colon irritation and for this reason should be avoided or consumed in moderation. Which ones are they? In case of colitis it is good to avoid coffee, tea or cocoa which can be particularly irritating. Also fatty or overly aged cheeses that weigh down and slow down digestion, chilli, paprika and hot spices, unhulled legumes, fried foods and packaged products rich in sugars that can stimulate fermentation and the production of intestinal gas.

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