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Cookies: 12 simple and delicious ideas to try at home

To be soaked in milk, with fresh and fragrant ginger, with chocolate chips or covered with pistachio cream: today we talk about cookies, with 12 very simple recipes, all to try at home.

By Cookist

How to spend an afternoon at home and experiment with delicious recipes? You can prepare fragrant and delicious cookies. Different flours, chocolate and fruit; we have tried these 12 recipes for you, all very simple and quick to prepare, to try new flavors but always looking at traditions.

To be soaked in milk, with fresh and fragrant ginger, with chocolate chips or covered with pistachio cream: today we talk about cookies, with 12 very simple recipes, all to try at home.

Are you planning to experiment in the kitchen and prepare fragrant, crumbly and delicious cookies just like your grandma? Whether you prefer more delicate flavors or you cannot give up delicious gluttony sins, you are in the right place: we have cookies for everybody and they are all very easy to prepare. For breakfast, a snack or a sweet end of the meal: all you have to do is to choose the recipe that's right for you, fasten your aprons and start kneading.

1. Peanut Butter Cookies


Peanut butter cookies are a simple and delicious recipe, with a very particular taste. Peanut butter is always present in American pantries, and it has a very strong taste that oscillates between sweet and savory: you can love these cookies or not, but you will only know it after you have tried them.

2. Cinnamon and chocolate cookies


They are soft, fragrant and with an unmistakable taste: cinnamon and chocolate cookies can be prepared in less than an hour and they can also be preserved for many days. A simple and genuine recipe that will make your kitchen perfumed and will conquer all your guests: prepare a few more, we can tell you from experience that everybody will love them.

3. Apple cookies


Delicious cookies of shortcrust pastry filled with fruit pulp flavored with cinnamon: more than a recipe, apple cookies are a real taste experience. Preparing them is very simple and you don't need to be a skilled pastry chef to make them: a few ingredients and a few manual skills are all you need; but, to make them just like your grandma would do, we recommend following our recipe.

4. Butter cookies


Everybody love apple cookies and they can be prepared with only three ingredients: butter cookies are ideal for those who want to prepare a good English break with tea and pastries and have little time to do it. In just under an hour your crumbly and delicious butter cookies will be ready: a recipe that in just a few steps creates a perfect balance between taste and simplicity. If you are approaching pastry-making and you don't know what to do, now you know where to start.

5. Coconut and chocolate chips cookies


We got to that part of our list that the sweet tooth was anxiously waiting: the coconut and chocolate chips cookies are a sin of gluttony that you can't miss. A crunchy exterior and a soft heart, coconut and chocolate chips cookies will make you look great with your friends who will not hesitate to ask you for the recipe. Very easy to prepare, these cookies do not contain eggs and do not need to rest before being baked. You just have to try them.

6. Chocolate cookies


Those who really love cookies cannot miss these delicious American sweets made with dark chocolate, butter, eggs and hazelnut cream. To taste the chocolate cookies just follow our recipe, explained step by step. If you are going to prepare an alternative snack or a very sweet end of the meal, chocolate cookies are for you.

7. Chocolate and pistachio cookies


Similar to the chocolate cookies we were talking about but decidedly more delicious: the chocolate and pistachio cookies are simply a concentrate of taste, an explosion of flavors. Crispy outside, soft inside and with a pistachio cream that covers them at the end of cooking: a variant only apparently difficult to prepare, they are much simpler than they seem. The secret of so much goodness? It seems to be a pinch of salt, try it to believe it.

8. Vegan cookies with chocolate chips


Who said that you can't make delicious cookies without eggs and milk? With these vegan cookies with dark chocolate chips you will have the proof that even without some ingredients you can prepare delicious cookies. To discover how to make them, simply and quickly, just look at our video recipe, explained step by step.

9. Milk cookies


Classic grandmother's cookies to be soaked in milk, the milk cookies are simple, genuine and excellent for a traditional breakfast. Preparing them is very simple: just knead the ingredients together and let the dough rest for 30 minutes before baking. Do not underestimate the fact that you can keep them for many days, so you can enjoy them on any occasion: it is always the right time to munch on a milk cookie.

10. Ginger cookies


Fragrant and crunchy shortbread cookies, ginger cookies are perfect for a healthy and tasty snack. Among the many possible uses of ginger, you can also use it to make desserts: grate a fresh root of ginger and work it with hazelnut flour and brown sugar, the result will surprise you. Excellent with tea or milk, ginger cookies have a rustic and aromatic note, and they are definitely worth trying.

11. Grape cookies


An alternative recipe in which the fruit is the protagonist: the grape cookies are characterized by a natural bittersweet note. Depending on your tastes, choose fresh grapes or raisins and start kneading: in a few minutes you will have baked genuine cookies, also excellent for those who follow a healthy and balanced diet without sacrificing taste.

12. Chickpea flour cookies


Don't let the name fool you: the chickpea flour cookies are really delicious, perfect even for those who are gluten intolerant or follow a vegan diet. Chickpea flour, hazelnuts and coconut flour in the same recipe convinced us and we are sure that they will amaze you too; you just have to let yourself be intrigued and fasten your apron.

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