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Costco And Kroger Limit Quantity Of Fresh Meats Customers Can Buy Amidst Fears Of Scarcity

The coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, and the newest update about its economic effect is that it is fast causing a shortage of fresh meats. This is mainly in the United States, where concerned industries have drawn attention to the budding problem of meat becoming scarce due to reduced production despite constant consumption. In a bid to alleviate the fears, top grocery chains, Costco and Kroger have placed a limit on the number of fresh meats that anyone can buy at a go in any of their stores.

By Cookist

Kroger was the first to discuss the issue. Their public announcement came on Sunday, May 10, and included the declaration that from now on, there will be a restriction on the quantity of meat that customers can purchase.

They also accrued their decision to be because of the "challenges" that meat processors seem to be facing as the coronavirus pandemic continues in full onslaught.

The statement, however, seemed reassuring as they pushed that there is still plenty of meat being supplied.

A representative for Kroger said:

"There is plenty of protein in the supply chain; however, some processors are experiencing challenges. At this time, we've added purchase limits only on ground beef and fresh pork."

On Monday, Costco followed suit by making a similar announcement on their website saying that:

"Fresh meat purchases are temporarily limited to a total of 3 items per member among the beef, pork and poultry products."

This news comes close on the heels of reports that the US may be facing impending scarcity as reputable meat processors across the country close their facilities because of the pandemic thus resulting in a significant reduction of the meat made available in retail stores.

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