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Did You Know The True Origin Of The Easter Bunny?

Easter is just around the corner and everyone has been preparing to celebrate. An important part of this tradition is the Easter Bunny, however, not many know where the idea originates from. Keep reading to be in the know in preparation for the special holiday.

By Cookist

Easter is a biblical celebration that marks the resurrection of Jesus however there are no mentions of Easter rabbits in the bible. So where do they come from?

It's difficult to trace the exact origins of the Easter bunny because they are clouded in mystery. One theory is that the rabbit is a symbol that has its roots in pagan tradition, specifically the festival of Eostre — a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny.

Rabbits are known for their energetic breeding and have always been known traditionally to symbolize fertility. The eggs they seem to always deliver are said to symbolize life and as far back as the 13th century, people have been decorating eggs for Easter dates. In fact, hundreds of years ago, churches would have their members stay away from eggs during Lent, so they could be consumed again on Easter.


There are also reports that claim the 19th century Russian high society started exchanging ornately decorated eggs—some jewel encrusted—on Easter.

The Easter bunny became popular on American shores reportedly because German immigrants brought it with them. They were the ones who propagated the idea of an egg laying bunny with their kids making nests for the eggs to be laid in.

It eventually spread as a practice throughout the US and it later expanded to include things like chocolate.

It should be noted that bunnies are not the only animals associated with Easter in every country. Some countries associated the season with foxes and others, cuckoo birds.

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