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Dog-o’-Lanterns Are Going to be Huge This Halloween

Are you looking for a new way to carve up your Halloween Jack o’ Lanterns this year? Why not use your pet as inspiration?

By Cookist

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Are you looking for a new way to carve up your Halloween Jack o’ Lanterns this year? Why not use your pet as inspiration?

Artists and dog lovers everywhere are attempting to carve a likeness of their furry friends into pumpkins this October. Andy Manoloff, from Elkhart, Indiana, used only an Xacto knife to create a stunning masterpiece of his Pomeranian, Sophie. “She’s been through everything with me, and I just thought it would be fun to see her on one of my pumpkins,” Andy told Country

Andy is clearly a natural artist, although a pumpkin carved like this could take anywhere from a few to over 20 hours of work to complete. He advises those who want to try it to start simple and build from there.


To make your own animal pumpkin lantern, start by scooping out the pumpkin seeds and flesh as you usually would. You can get templates of various dog breeds such as Beagles, Huskies, Labradors and more at

Did You Know?

Pumpkins are members of a family of vegetables that include cucumbers and melons, and they contain the antioxidant beta-carotene, which gives it the bright orange color.

How to Pick the Perfect Pumpkin


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Check that the flesh feels hard and doesn’t give easily. Avoid ones with any cuts, bruises or soft spots. Pumpkin stems should be attached, but it’s best not to pick it up by the stem. The stem can break off easily and this leaves the way open for organisms to invade the pumpkin and cause it to cave in. Tap the pumpkin gently and see how hollow it sounds, and lift it to see how dense it is. The heavier a pumpkin, the thicker the walls. Thick-walled pumpkins aren’t great for jack o’ lanterns as the thick walls block the candlelight. Store pumpkins with care. You can cure a freshly picked pumpkin by keeping it in a dry place without handling or disturbing it. Curing toughens the rind and reduces the risk of rot. To keep your carved pumpkin fresh for longer, keep it cool and out of direct sunlight, and don’t leave it outside if there’s a threat of frost. You can also spray it with an anti-transpirant such as Wilt-Pruf or other brands.

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