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How to Reuse Eggshells Instead Of Just Composting

If you love recycling then, you are certainly reading the right article.

By Cookist

Reusing eggshells in an alternative and original way is possible. Although we are used to throwing them in the garbage bin once we have opened the eggs, the eggshells are actually an excellent thing especially for gardening and in the kitchen, because they are rich in nutrients. If you love recycling then, you are certainly reading the right article.

Reusing eggshells in an alternative and original way is possible. Although we are used to throwing them in the garbage bin once we have opened the eggs, the eggshells are actually an excellent thing especially for gardening and in the kitchen, because they are rich in nutrients. If you love recycling then, you are certainly reading the right article.

The eggshell is a thin and porous coating material, which separates egg yolks and egg whites from the outside. It can be white or brownish, depending on the quality of the eggs and it is rich in fibrous proteins called keratins. In addition, it contains carbonate of magnesium calcium and calcium phosphate. Eggshells are an excellent fertilizer, very useful for feeding soil, but also in the kitchen for degreasing pots and stoves.

If you are curious to discover the alternative uses of eggshells, here are four easy anti-waste tips to obtain incredible results.

Clean the pans


Eggshells are an excellent ally in the kitchen, especially for removing the most stubborn incrustations from pots and pans. Take a metal sponge and some fine salt. Crumble the eggshells as much as possible in a mortar, crushing them carefully. Spread the dust on the crusty pan you want to clean and add a little salt, then grate the dirt with a metal sponge and hot water.

Use the eggshells in the kitchen also to eliminate the rings that you normally struggle to remove, such as those ones made with wine or coffee. Let the eggshells to soak in a bowl of hot water overnight, then rub them on the affected surface.

The eggshells are also an excellent thing to sharpen blades and knives. Let the eggshell rest as intact as possible in the freezer for a few hours, put it in the blender with a little water and blend. Use the mixture to sharpen your knives, but also the blades of the blender.

Filter the coffee


Broken eggshells are also excellent for making instant coffee, or American coffee, because they contribute to reducing its bitter taste. In this case, of course it is important to sterilize the eggshells before using them. Wash them in hot water and, if possible, leave them in the oven for a few minutes.

In addition to the eggshells, you will need a coffee filter and of course instant coffee. Pour the coffee into the filter, inside a cup, then add the finely chopped eggshells, and other coffee on the surface. Pour plenty of boiling water (the quantity for a cup of coffee), little by little, letting the coffee filter through the cup. It will be more liquid and less bitter.

Plants and gardening


The eggshells are excellent fertilizers, so you can use them as a nutrient for the soil, in the garden or in the vegetable garden. First, the eggshells must be finely crushed, then mixed with the soil and placed at the base of the plants. In this way they will richly feed the soil with calcium, which will help the plant strengthen the stem. This remedy is especially recommended for tomato plants or pepper plants because it prevents apical rot, hence brown spots that form on the fruit.

With eggshells you can also create compostable containers to arrange small plants, instead of the classic plastic trays. Use half an eggshell initially, when the plants start to sprout, move them to the ground.

Finally the eggshells are excellent natural pesticides for the garden. By placing a few pieces around the plants, especially lettuce, you will prevent snails from getting close.

Candle with an egg


If you are a DIY lover, you will love this creative reuse of eggshells. In this case we will still need whole eggs: an excellent remedy for using expired eggs. In a few simple steps, you can in fact create original candle holders with eggshells. They are an excellent idea for children to practice DIY, at all times of the year.

First, pierce the egg on both ends with the help of a pin. Try to get the content out without breaking the shell. You just need to inflate a balloon (without tying it) and let the air pass from one end to the other. Help yourself with a bowl and let the egg white and egg yolk come out of the hole.

Place the empty eggshell in a small jar, or in a glass. Slightly widen the upper hole and, with a funnel, pour into the liquid wax, almost to the edge. Dip a wick in the center and let it harden before lighting the candle.

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