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Everything You Need To Know About Sugar Water — Are They Really Better Than Regular Sweetened Drinks?

Sugar water is simply a mixture of table sugar and water. While it is common knowledge that having too much sugar in your diet is terrible for your health, it is crucial to note that sugar water is much better than your regular sweetened drinks. Furthermore, although nutritionists recommend that we get only approximately 10% of our daily calorie intake from sugars, there are times when our bodies demand an immediate energy boost and sugar water can be that.

By Cookist


What is sugar water?

Sugar water is easily made by stirring table sugar into a glass of water. However, the regular sugar used at home actually differs from sugars used in other sweetened drinks. Sugar water contains sucrose, while other sweetened beverages contain glucose in combination with other sugars (fructose, corn starch syrup, and more). Sucrose is a disaccharide that is made up of two sugar molecules, glucose, and fructose. It has been proven that carbohydrates boost athletic performance and maximize endurance.

Why is sugar water better than other sweetened drinks?


It would seem that fruit juices, energy drinks, and vitamin water all have the same basic components as sugar water, but that's untrue. There are significant differences between sugar water and other sweetened beverages. Store-bought sweetened drinks often contain additional ingredients such as caffeine, food flavorings, and colorants. Sweetened drinks, especially energy drinks, are expensive, while sugar water is cheap and easy to make. Glucose-mixed energy and fruit drinks can actually cause some mild stomach discomfort, while sucrose-based sugar water is easily digested by the intestines

When is the best time to consume sugar water?


There are a number of situations where it is not only healthy but necessary to boost carbohydrate intake:

  1. Before, during, and after workouts at the gym (or at home),
  2. During high-intensity activities such as hiking, biking, rollerblading, and more,
  3. When you experience long gaps in between meals,
  4. Whenever you need a quick energy boost without the effects of feeling full.

However, never forget that sugar water, like all sweet treats, is meant to be consumed in moderation.

For endurance-based workouts such as cycling, it is best to consume seven tablespoons of sugar per hour. It is recommended to mix approximately 1.5 tablespoons with a cup of water.

For less intense workouts, it may be wise to reduce the amount to half. If a person is not exercising and just needs a quick pick me up throughout the day, consuming no more than two teaspoons per cup of water is recommended.

Why athletes choose sugar water


While Research had proven that consuming sugar water is good for everyone, there are many additional benefits to those who work out regularly or train professionally: 

While all carbohydrates help to restore energy levels during exercise, it is the rate at which energy is restored that truly makes a difference during an intense workout.

Also, most sports drinks contain combinations of glucose that can actually cause significant discomfort as they are absorbed by the intestines.

Scientists found that athletes who consumed sugar water experienced a faster and smoother recovery than those that consumed energy drinks.

In conclusion, if a person is running a marathon or simply needs to feel their best, it's actually better to substitute store-bought sugary drinks with simple homemade sugar water.

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