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Everything You Need To Know On Your Journey Towards Eliminating Sugar Addiction

Sugar; a general name for sweet-tasting soluble carbohydrates which are used in food, is an important part of the human diet in most parts of the world because it provides food energy and makes food more palatable. However, it becomes a bad food item when consumed constantly and in high amounts. Read on for everything you must know to conquer addiction to refined sugar.

By Cookist

Sugar consumption can produce high energy and  energy sparks in the body for a short period of time. Several studies have shown that sugar is as addictive as cocaine – people often enjoy the dopamine release that sugar brings. However, because sugar is addictive, long-term health effects such as obesity and diabetes are the risks of overdose.

How Does Sugar Addiction Develop?


Like other obsessions and behavioral addictions, sugar addiction is especially risky for people with recurring bad moods, anxiety and stress. In addition, people who suffer from constant fatigue can find sugary, carbohydrate-rich foods to promote health. Sugar releases endorphins in the body and combines with other body chemicals, resulting in a spike in energy. Once a person mentally assumes that sugar helps provide energy, they can become addicted (often unintentionally). People may begin to crave sugar to balance out irritability, emotional breakdown, and other conditions. At this stage, there is often little control over eating habits and a sugar addiction has developed.

How can you tell you’re addicted to sugar? When large amounts of sugary foods are consumed by an individual, constantly to ease boredom or stress, it’s a notable sign that that individual has as sugar addiction.

Basically, sugar is  a recreational, legal and socially acceptable drug with deadly consequences and like  any other addiction, you need to have a flexible but structured plan to deal with it. beat it.

How to Overcome Sugar Addiction


Many of those who eliminate sugar from their diet experience symptoms of irritability, nausea, mood swings, and lack of energy. Since many people struggling with sugar addiction have consumed sugary foods, withdrawal and cravings can be intense. Tragically, many people are choosing to go back to eating sugary foods to release brain chemicals. A much better alternative is the food swap, whereby  sugar users trade unhealthy sweets for healthy, natural  options to regain control. Here are some tips to help overcome sugar addiction:

  1. You can train your taste buds to appreciate less sweet things. Try cutting out one sugary food from your diet each week, like skipping dessert after dinner or adding less sugar to your coffee or cereal, ad over time, you will lose your appetite for that sweet taste.
  2. You don't have to do it without sweets – you can get it from other sources; try fresh berries and puree fruits on oatmeal instead of sugar, explore dried, frozen, or preserved fruits (do not add too much  sugar) – glass of low-fat milk or low-sugar yogurt may help.
  3. Eating protein is an easy way to reduce your thirst for sugar – foods rich in protein are slow to digest, which makes you feel full. Protein does not spike blood sugar levels like refined carbohydrates and sugar. Choose proteins such as lean chicken, low-fat yogurt, eggs, nuts and beans.
  4. Dietary fiber helps fight  sugar itch in a variety of ways. First, it fills you. High fiber foods also give you more energy. There is no subsequent hunger crash as they do not spike your blood sugar. Choose fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Alternatively, apply peanut butter to the apples to make a protein / fiber combination.

Sugar is necessary for the body, and that is why natural foods have their own type of sugars in them. Artificial sugars are the most dangerous and should take in bits or if possible, avoided. According to the American Heart Association, no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar should be consumed daily for women, and that's about 100 calories, while for men, a maximum of 9 teaspoons and that's about 150 calories.

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