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Favorite food of the royals that will surprise you!

Here is a peek in to the list of favorite foods of the royal family. Yes, there are many things that royals love to eat as much as us, and no it is no fancy food we are talking about. However, they just don’t have to wait in long queues to get it!

By Cookist

Here is a peek in to the list of favorite foods of the royal family. Yes, there are many things that royals love to eat as much as us, and no it is no fancy food we are talking about. However, they just don’t have to wait in long queues to get it!

Royals are a lot more human than we all expect them to. They share various common interests with us, particularly when it comes to food. Read on to know about the food which members of the royal family loves.

Queen Elizabeth. The queen loves the breakfast meal and she frequently indulges in the cereal, Special K, with fruits in the morning. This information was shared by her highnesses former personal chef.


Prince Philip. According to many sources, Prince Philip has been the one reigning over grills in the royal household. Do not go by his 97 year old frame, the Prince has a particular liking to the food prepared in the open air and this is why he really loves to serve burgers, sausages, and steaks, if the queen permits.


Princes William. The prince admits to love to prepare his signature dish, a roast. He also revealed that he prefers to eat medium rare and “quite alive” chicken or steak.


Kate Middleton. She is very fond of the Indian curries, which is also very commonly available in London. In fact, Prince William too likes it, but he prefers to have it with the minimum possible level of spice.


Princess Charlotte. The little princess shares her food preference with many toddlers all around the world as she too is very fond of anything pasta.

Prince George. He is one naughty royal, who loves to get his hands dirty before savoring his treat. Yes, it is George indeed whom we are talking about. His mother revealed that Prince George particularly loves to make the dough himself for the pizza. And, not just that, much like his little sister, this little prince loves pasta as well.


Prince Harry. The personal chef of Princess Diana revealed that Prince Harry could never turn down the caramel banana cake as it was his favorite dessert.

Meghan Markle. Before she became a royal, Meghan was a self-proclaimed foodie and loved the pasta and sushi preparations. However, French fries have always been her weakness and she once admitted that she could eat them all day, if possible.

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