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Fluffy Mini Cows Are The New Pet Trend – And Perhaps, The Best Choice!

Cows are large animals commonly believed to only be best suited to farming. There is, however, a new trend here to change that with mini cows that are trained to become pets. These animals are adorable with their bodies covered by soft fur. They also have a charming personality and are suited to live in homes with humans much like the typical pet animal. If anything, they might just be the perfect pet option!

By Cookist

The trend started with Lovable Little Ones, Colorado, which is an organization that pledges to raise the perfect mini cows for interested populations. They raise a large variety of these cows; each with a shiny and fluffy coat that screams luxury as they move about.

Also, the organization assures interested customers that mini cows “make exceptional pets,” and perfectly fit into any family, with or without children. The cows can only grow to a maximum height of about 36 to 42 inches tall, which is equal to that of a large dog.

If the stunning pictures of these cows are not enough to convince you and you're more worried about maintenance and the work of raising them, then there's good news for you.

Unlike what they may look like – high maintenance animals – these adorable cows are easy to take care of thanks to their size. This is why they are also deemed great for teaching children responsibility.

Lovable Little Ones raise and train the halter-broke calves to be incredibly social and to easily adapt to life with individual adults or large families that include young children. If interested, there are numerous breeds to choose from: Highland, Hereford, Angus, Dexter, White Park, Lowline, and more. Like the typical pet, each breed has unique characteristics and features that make them different and suited to different homes.

According to, a pet steer (neutered male) costs $1,500, while a heifer (female which hasn’t produced any calves) costs between $2,000 and $10,000.

Mini cows require attention, time, and money like other pets, however, there is no denying that they are a unique bunch.

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